I received an unsolicited email a few days ago from id Software requesting that I join their beta program for Quake Live. I haven’t played Quake since since 1999, but remember playing quite a bit of Quake 3 Arena–especially capture the flag. In order to beta test, you first create an id Software user account,… Continue reading Quake Live Beta
November Song of the Month
I’m going to try and start identifying songs of the month. I think that these will be from artists that have released something new, for instance, a new album or perhaps a new remix of an old song.November’s song of the month was released in late October of this year by the Kaiser Chiefs. This… Continue reading November Song of the Month
A "New Chapter" on Climate Change
Barack Obama recorded a video that was shown today at the Governors’ global climate summit currently taking place in California at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. I am so happy and proud that my President is pledging these commitments in such a clear and outspoken manner.My favorite part: “…I promise you this: When I am… Continue reading A "New Chapter" on Climate Change
Strong Conversational Variation via Gmail Yields Interesting Contextual Advertisements
I was emailing with a friend of mine in an exchange over some travel plans and the coming holiday. Normally, I block all advertisements in Firefox using Adblock, but I had whitelisted Gmail for some reason recently and so I was seeing the contextual advertising displayed on the right side of the web page. Since… Continue reading Strong Conversational Variation via Gmail Yields Interesting Contextual Advertisements
Fixing a Broken Badger 5 Plus Insinkerator Garbage Disposal
My Badger 5 Plus garbage disposal seized up a few weeks ago after some mango peels made their way down into the drain. The disposal simply made this humming noise when it was on. It sounded like the motor was going but the blades were not turning. At first, I was ambivalent. “Maybe it will… Continue reading Fixing a Broken Badger 5 Plus Insinkerator Garbage Disposal
My Journey With Barack Obama
Despite my passions for software, live music and clean technology, which I regularly blog about here, I’m privately a civic minded person. This post serves as a record of the effort I’ve put in for Senator Barack Obama and concludes with an endorsement of the man as our next President of the United States. The… Continue reading My Journey With Barack Obama
World of Warcraft Patches Require Obscene Amounts of Hard Drive Space
I recently wrote a brief paper on World of Warcraft, a game I’ve never played before, for the Service Strategies course I’m taking at Babson. My paper discusses what about Blizzard Software’s functionality with the MMORPG of WoW was innovative or offered a bit of service differentiation. You can read the whole thing here. (pdf)… Continue reading World of Warcraft Patches Require Obscene Amounts of Hard Drive Space
Add Global Hotkeys to iTunes
Winamp has been my media player of choice for years because it is fairly lightweight, and has a long history off plugins. Winamp also has the ability to use global hot keys which are keyboard shortcuts to play, pause and skip through tracks even if you’re using another application. Since I got the iPhone, I’ve… Continue reading Add Global Hotkeys to iTunes
Apple Touch Platform Applications Approval Process Stirs Concern
In the past I’ve written about the Facebook platform as being the wild west of software development. The reasoning was that 3rd party developers like myself were watching the platform shift and change on a daily basis. The result was that functions were being introduced in beta, or replaced and deprecated frequently. Developers working on… Continue reading Apple Touch Platform Applications Approval Process Stirs Concern
Developing within iPhone NDA Muffle aka The Cone of Silence
Neutrinos just wrapped its second iPhone application, it is a 20 questions trivia game called iQ. It is great step from our first app, TipTotaler. For iQ, I took on the user interface design for the application in addition to my normal website design and marketing. The amount of graphic design and image handling… Continue reading Developing within iPhone NDA Muffle aka The Cone of Silence