Politics in Business

There is as much politics in business as there is business in politics. Everyone loves a good product launch. You spend a ton of time, money and effort researching a concept, surveying a consumer space, developing your idea into something tangible, and marketing the hell out of it. In many cases all of these steps… Continue reading Politics in Business

Categorized as technology

New Ratatat? "9 Beats" Hits Hard

“9 Beats” a collection of short songs from Ratatat’s Evan Mast has been passing around recently on the web. The album seems to have broken first as a highly priced item on ebay where it sold for 26 pounds ~$47USD back in earlier this year. Contact information for 9 Beats is provided presumed publicist Hannah… Continue reading New Ratatat? "9 Beats" Hits Hard

Categorized as music

Fighting Fans? – Proliferating Video Technology Forces moe. to Ban Digicams from Concerts

“moe.” the American jam band from Buffalo, New York recently posted a new photography policy: After much consideration, we regret to announce a change in our photo policy. Since it has grown increasingly difficult to differentiate video cameras from still photography cameras, we will only allow disposable cameras at moe. concerts effective with our 5/30… Continue reading Fighting Fans? – Proliferating Video Technology Forces moe. to Ban Digicams from Concerts

Oppression in Belarus

You’ve probably heard about the protests and riots going on in Paris regarding the proposal to change how employers can remove younger workers. (CPE) In that situation you have a large group of people who both refuse to accept the reality of globalism and will ultimately suffer an economic collapse because of it. You may… Continue reading Oppression in Belarus

Categorized as politics

Advertising For Peanuts

Just a quick post to advertise for Advertise For Peanuts. This site features creative advertising spots of a viral nature. This type of copy is the future of advertising as the 60 second commercial aimed at broadcasting gets fast-forwarded or deleted in the increasingly on-demand nature of content consumption. Forcing users to watch commercials, i.e.… Continue reading Advertising For Peanuts