Common Errors When Installing postgres SQL and Ruby on Rails

I was setting up my local development environment for Podcastinople on my new Vista install and ran into some problems that I was able to find hidden deep in Ruby and Postgres forums and list archives. One problem I had was that when I was creating some of my local postgres databases using a normal… Continue reading Common Errors When Installing postgres SQL and Ruby on Rails

Cropping and Resizing to Maintain Aspect Ratio in Thumbnails on Flickr

I was trying to drum out a thumbnail image spec. for Podcastinople this afternoon and of course turned to the Web 2.0 standard for creating them, Flickr. The idea behind a thumbnail is that I want to create a 75×75 version of an image while maintaining the aspect ratio. Since most photos and images uploaded… Continue reading Cropping and Resizing to Maintain Aspect Ratio in Thumbnails on Flickr

Categorized as technology

Comics On The Zune – NYC2123 Dayender Digital Graphic Novel Formatted For the Zune

The Zune should be about entertainment, so I started thinking about what might be interesting to have on there if I was stuck on a bus or an airplane and wanted something to do. I started to remember a graphic novel that debuted as the first one designed for the Sony Playstation Portable or PSP.… Continue reading Comics On The Zune – NYC2123 Dayender Digital Graphic Novel Formatted For the Zune

The Microsoft Zune: Part 1 – Troubleshooting the Installation and Initial Firmware

This is the first in what will be a series of posts about the Microsoft Zune device. I’ve been interested in this for some time–having suggested the idea of a wireless media player in 2005. First things first: Let’s differentiate between software, firmware, and hardware: The Zune Software is the program you must install in… Continue reading The Microsoft Zune: Part 1 – Troubleshooting the Installation and Initial Firmware

Spamming and Scheming Through Electronic Communications Parallel to Email

I received an interesting message via recently: From Miss Finna Gausa Please write me at ( ) Dear Rob, I am Miss Finna Gausa the only daughter of late Mr. & Mrs. Philip Gausa. I go through your profile and God lead me to contact you, My father and mother were very wealthy farmers… Continue reading Spamming and Scheming Through Electronic Communications Parallel to Email

Categorized as technology

Celebrate the Election With Firefox Extensions (Add-ons)

A hearty congratulations to the democrats in successfully channeling public discontent with the war in Iraq, political corruption, our nation’s economy into votes. I made over a hundred calls on behalf the party from the headquarter off NE 9th and Burnside, and stood on the corner of the street with a go Vote sign on… Continue reading Celebrate the Election With Firefox Extensions (Add-ons)