I did a quick summary of the steps necessary to copy a movie onto a PSP for my hair dresser. Here they are:
Here’s a link to the tutorial on how to copy videos onto a PSP.
1. Download this program called “3GPP.”(website in Japanese)
2. Run 3GPP’s setup program and choose English, and to output to PSP Direct Video format
3. Run 3GPP.
4. Choose to output the file to somewhere convenient. i.e. a folder called “Converted PSP Video” on your desktop.
5. Select a quality level for the video. (Higher quality, bigger file)
6. Drag the movie of your dog onto the 3GPP’s main window (this creates an .mp4 and a .thm file in your “Converted PSP Video folder” you specified in step 4.
7. Make sure the .mp4 3GPP created is named according to the convention: M4V0xxxx.MP4 (where the x’s can be any number)
8. Connect your PSP to the computer with the USB Cable.
9. Open up the PSP’s 30 MB card using my computer (It should show up as a drive).
10. Create the following folders: MP_ROOT100MNV01 (that’s two levels deep, this needs to be done the first time you copy movies onto the PSP and that’s it.
11. Copy the .mp4 file into directory (MP_ROOT100MNV01)
12. Disconnect the PSP from your computer.
13. In the PSP’s main menu, go to movies (the film reel icon) and you should see an icon for your video.
Just 13 easy steps, right?
I successfully copied a video to my pal Dave’s PSP using this process.
loving this added to my blog and im going to twitter this now 🙂