Some pages require an inordinate amount of time to load. For most sites, this is a big problem. Webmasters and SEO specialists know the value of a quick landing page load, because they know that netizens have short attention spans. Dynamically built webpages, (especially applications), require time to load and visual feedback that something is happening.… Continue reading Display a Simple Loading Message and Animated Loading Gif Using JavaScript
Category: programming
Custom Styling the ShareThis Button Using CSS Without API Calls
I was just doing a ShareThis icon for a client I’m working with and found that how to properly style the button is poorly documented. In order to replace the whole icon and text, you are supposed to use the developer API. I only wanted to style the text, so I was hunting for some… Continue reading Custom Styling the ShareThis Button Using CSS Without API Calls
Contact Us Javascript Form Validation and Custom Fields in SalesForce
The web Contact Us form serves as an important starting point for people interested in a product or service. For a big company, handling inbound leads over the course of a long sales process requires a strong CRM. SalesForce is a fully featured CRM plaform, however in my experience it has somehow ignored an important… Continue reading Contact Us Javascript Form Validation and Custom Fields in SalesForce
Apple Touch Platform Applications Approval Process Stirs Concern
In the past I’ve written about the Facebook platform as being the wild west of software development. The reasoning was that 3rd party developers like myself were watching the platform shift and change on a daily basis. The result was that functions were being introduced in beta, or replaced and deprecated frequently. Developers working on… Continue reading Apple Touch Platform Applications Approval Process Stirs Concern
Developing within iPhone NDA Muffle aka The Cone of Silence
Neutrinos just wrapped its second iPhone application, it is a 20 questions trivia game called iQ. It is great step from our first app, TipTotaler. For iQ, I took on the user interface design for the application in addition to my normal website design and marketing. The amount of graphic design and image handling… Continue reading Developing within iPhone NDA Muffle aka The Cone of Silence
iPhone Developer Resource: Preview Application Icon 3D Effect
My friend Dave Peixotto is in charge of coding and software repository work on our iPhone application development. I am in charge of the marketing and business aspects of our software company, Neutrinos, LLC. One of my tasks with the release of our recently submitted iPhone application, TipTotaler was to select an icon for our… Continue reading iPhone Developer Resource: Preview Application Icon 3D Effect
Nationalization or Expropriation? Independent Facebook Application Developers Continue to Face Uncertainty
There is some interesting discussion going on in the Facebook Developer’s forum. The gist is that Facebook has made changes that are causing some developers to feel disenfranchised. A few developers are upset enough that they are speaking of creating a union of independent Facebook application developers. What might the goals of a union of… Continue reading Nationalization or Expropriation? Independent Facebook Application Developers Continue to Face Uncertainty
The History of the Video Game Development Process
The modern software development process is sort of out in the open. Any sizeable project like a new version of Microsoft Office or Adobe Photoshop is discussed widely in technology forums and blogs. Although beta testers generally sign NDAs with companies, details or full copies of beta software leaks regularly. Google’s Android OS is not… Continue reading The History of the Video Game Development Process
My First Database Refactoring
I spent a good portion of the day today refactoring the database used to power the Dave Matthews Band application I’ve been writing for Facebook. I’ve been interested in writing for Facebook for some time because I believe that companies need to be expanding their online presence into applications built for major social networking platforms.… Continue reading My First Database Refactoring