I have been wanting to sync my Outlook 2007 calendar to my Blackberry Curve (8300) since I entered all of my Babson class data earlier in the semester. My Dell D630 came with Windows XP SP2 installed. When I installed the Blackberry Desktop Manager 4.2 SP2 and chose the Connection Options I noticed that the Bluetooth sync options were greyed out (disabled) and inaccessible.
I did some searching around and found that for whatever reason, the Blackberry desktop manager’s Bluetooth sync is not compatible with any third party Bluetooth drivers. It turns out you must use XP’s native Bluetooth drivers in order to get the Desktop Manager Connection Settings to properly recognize that you have Bluetooth at all.
The fault lies squarely with Research In Motion (RIM) for not creating a desktop management solution that recognizes major Bluetooth drivers like Toshiba’s. I think that this shows that they clearly do not care about giving their customers an easy opportunity to sync their blackberry over Bluetooth.
If you configured it so when you bought it, your Dell D630 has a Bluetooth device built into the box. When Dell sets the computer up at the factory, they install Toshiba Bluetooth Stack drivers. From what I can tell, the reason Dell uses its own drivers is because they have extensions that control other hardware on the laptop. Specifically, the little LED that lights up the Bluetooth icon near the WiFi light on the laptop itself. Using the Toshiba driver, if you turn off the Bluetooth this light goes off. If you change it over to the Windows driver the light will stay on whether Bluetooth is enabled or not.
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This takes away a glance intelligence at your current battery consumption, and I have not determined how to power off Bluetooth to save battery life using the XP driver. So there is significant sacrifice in making this change, it may be that if syncing wirelessly is not very important to you, then you should simply keep the Toshiba drivers and keep a USB cable at home and at work so that you don’t have to mess around with Dell’s D630 native driver set.
A final note on this: The Blackberry application loader and media loader tools are not available over Bluetooth. So this means that setting up your Blackberry to sync over Bluetooth is only worthwhile if you need to be able to sync calendar, task and contact information frequently without being encumbered by a USB cable.
Ok, You still want to proceed? Keep reading.
I searched around on google and found some guides hidden away in Blackberry forums for setting up XP’s native BT drivers and ended up actually having some success, so I thought I’d regurgitate the process with the proper keywords so that some other poor soul with a Blackberry Curve (8300) or some other similar Blackberry device could save some heartache.
Before you begin, you should review the steps because they require you to edit a text file and uninstall a driver.
Here’s what I did:
- Uninstall the Toshiba Bluetooth Driver or Stack using Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs. Yes this is scary, and no I don’t know how to reverse this if you mess it up. I just lept in, and so should you.If your sound is on you’ll hear the ba-doop sound of a USB device being disconnected. This is because the Bluetooth hardware inside the D630 (and probably the D830) is actually a hardwired USB device.You may also get a little balloon notification from Windows XP telling you that a hardware device is improperly configured. That is ok. It may ask you to fix this right away. Cancel any dialogs that come up asking you to search for new hardware drivers, you won’t find any and it will take a toll on your morale.
- I did a restart at this point, you may not have to.
- This is where it gets a little crazy and tricky. You actually have to edit a driver config file in order to get Windows to recognize the Bluetooth hardware. This is the only way that I was able to ascertain to do this, there is no easy way.
You need to track down the bth.inf file (this is a text file) under the c:windowsinf directory. I suggest you copy this to your desktop as a backup. Open the original (c:windowsinfbth.inf) - Inside this file about 1/4th of the way down you’ll find a section titled:;————- Device section – Start ———————–Inside there are a number of brands you may recognize in brackets such as Alps, Belkin, Broadcom, and in our case, Toshiba. For me this section started out looking like this:[Toshiba.NT.5.1]
TOSHIBA Integrated Bluetooth= BthUsb, USBVid_0930&Pid_0502&Rev_1350
TOSHIBA Integrated Bluetooth 2= BthUsb, USBVid_0930&Pid_0505
TOSHIBA Integrated Bluetooth 3= BthUsb, USBVID_0930&PID_0506
TOSHIBA Bluetooth Adapter= BthUsb, USBVid_0930&Pid_0507This is actually incorrect data. The important part is the “BthUsb, USBVid_0930&Pid_0502&Rev_1350” area in the first line. This needs to match up to data for your particular hardware. - To get your data you need to look at your hardware profiles, so right-click My Computer and choose Properties, then in System Properties choose the Hardware tab. Click the Device Manager Button.
- About 3/4 of the way down the list will be a USB Device in conflict, it will be marked with a yellow exclamation mark you may recognize if you’ve been around the block a few times. Right click that guy and choose properties. A dialog will open up with a Details or Device tab. Click that and at the top of the tab is a drop-down menu. Choose “Hardware Ids” from this list and you should have two items displayed. For me it was:USBVid_413c&Pid_8140&Rev_4316
USBVid_413c&Pid_8140 - Guess what? You need to copy this into the Toshiba section noted above. However, you only need to copy the first line from “Hardware Ids” into the section. I tried using the first item for Bluetooth= and the second for Bluetooth 2 and it installed the first correctly, but the second was in conflict. So, I suggest you only change the first line and leave the second as is:
TOSHIBA Integrated Bluetooth= BthUsb, USBVid_413c&Pid_8140&Rev_4316
TOSHIBA Integrated Bluetooth 2= BthUsb, USBVid_0930&Pid_0505
TOSHIBA Integrated Bluetooth 3= BthUsb, USBVID_0930&PID_0506
TOSHIBA Bluetooth Adapter= BthUsb, USBVid_0930&Pid_0507You’ll notice I left the Bluetooth 3= and Adapter= values alone. - Save the file.
- You should now be able to go back to the Hardware Profile dialog box mentioned in steps 5 and 6 above. This time right-click the device and choose Update Driver. Choose to Install from a list or a specific location and click Next. Check only the Include this location in the search: c:windowsinf and click next again.
- If you’re lucky, Windows will all of a sudden recognize the Toshiba hardware and you’ll see various balloons pop up and go away. Don’t let that spook you. If you’ve done things correctly, you will end up with a TOSHIBA Integrated Bluetooth item and a Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator under a new hardware group in Device Manager called “Bluetooth Radios.”
- After some clicking about you should now be able to access the Bluetooth configuration area of the Blackberry Desktop Manager.
Also, I had a troubleshooting problem where when I tried to complete the first sync it said “Duplicate records found on device.” There are guides and forums on the web that suggest trying to recreate the temporary sync folder on your computer, and other craziness. I solved my problem by simply deleting the calendar items on my Blackberry. I had only 12 records, so it wasn’t a big deal for me. If you were hoping to sync a ton of existing appointments from your BB to Outlook this may not be an option for you.
I wasn’t able to determine which calendar item on my Curve was causing the sync not to complete, but I suggest you start deleting calendar entries from you Blackberry and continue re-syncing until it completes.
Good luck!
Please Note: If you personally benefited from this tutorial, I ask you to either:
A. Donate $5 to me by Paypal using the button below. (not much considering your monthly Blackberry bill!):
B. Take a moment to write me a note about yourself, what you do and and important lesson you have learned either in business or in life. My email address is rob [at] banagale [dot] com.
Thank you!
Thanks so much for this article. I was going mad trying to figure out how to do this. I can’t tell you how happy I am to get this working. My computer was a Sony Vaio but your instructions worked perfectly. I hope everyone finds this as much help as I did. Thanks again!!!!
Hey Wes,
You’re welcome. I’m glad it worked for another machine, I thought they might be only good for the D630 audience.
I have to tell you though, the fact that Blackberry manager doesn’t recognize drivers from neither Dell nor Sony’s laptops is totally unacceptable. Very few people would go to the trouble of sorting out and performing the steps you did earlier today. I’d rather have a cooler phone that did this without the fuss. (i.e. generation 2 iphone)
Another thing, I cautioned people strongly about going forward with this, but am ultimately quite happy with the sync. It is pretty a fast and I do it about once every other day, so it was worthwhile to figure out and configure.
Thanks a lot. I’ve been going crazy with trying to synch my BB. I wondered into a lot of Blackberry forums before stumbling here.
Thanks! That was really helpful!
I have a Latitude D620 and all I did was uninstall the Toshiba BT stack and reboot. XP identified and installed the native BT drivers sucessfully the first time. I was surprised at that it did since I was expecting all sorts of hassle after my conversation with a completely obtuse and rude RIM technician who knew about the issue but said RIM wasn’t going to change or fix it.
I first added my BB 8800 to my Latitude using the default BT application and then launched my BB Desktop. I found the BT support option was now available. I checked the box, hit OK and it immediately found my BB handset and sync’d perfectly.
Hey Greg,
Did you edit the the bth.inf file when you did that? Any D630 users, please try just removing the toshiba stack and performing the reboot. If the manual file edit is not required, I’d like to make a note in the blog entry.
What did you do when the Toshiba BT drivers expired after the 30-day evaluation period? I have a D630 running XP SP2 and the drivers expired after 30 days. When I reinstalled it wiped all my pairings out. Did you have this happen, or find a fix?
FYI – Just found your posting and I had the same problem with my new Dell D630. Your steps worked like a charm and I am now able to sync with BT on the 8800. Thank you.
Thanks SO much for this post. Found a ton of posts on the BlackBerry forum sites, but none were working — many had invalid links for instructions, and those instructions I could find were missing the critical information you have in your post — notably, the step of editing the .inf file to get Windows XP SP2 to succesfully locate drivers for the built-in Toshiba BT. Once I did that, my 8100 Pearl from T-Mobile is now synching correctly with my Dell Latitude 830 via their Desktop Manager 4.2. Thanks a million!
Once I uninstalled the Toshiba bluetooth stack. After the reboot I ended up with a “Dell Wireless 350 Bluetooth Module” and a “Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator”. I then brought up the Bluetooth Device manager and added a Bluetooth com port. But no matter how much “clicking about” still could not access the Bluetooth configuration area of the Blackberry Desktop Manager (still grayed out). Anyone able to help?!?
Thank you… a million times thank you!
I have Dell 630 and BB8800 also and had tried everything!
Everything worked out great until I came to adding the device in the BB Device Manager. It won’t detect my BB even though it is connected via the BT Device manager.
Does anyone know if there are any incoming/outgoing ports to open up???
Im having a slight problem.. I had previously tried another fix which added additional blue tooth drivers, however I uninstalled them. Once I go into Device Manager, Im not seeing the conflicted item anywhere in the list. Its now as if the system is powering on or recognizing the device as one that is in need of a driver.
Very useful article. Thought I’d let other readers know that this fix worked for a Sony Vaio Laptop VGN-S5XP. (I didn’t need it for a Blackberry but to get Mindstorm lego bluetooth working with the laptop, which has a similar problem). The one difference I noticed is that directly updating the drivers (step 9) didn’t work for me – however, a reboot did.
Thanks for the fix.
I cant see how to remove the Toshiba Bluetooth Stack on my Dell D610
Check out http://www.vinsvision.com/Articles/tabid/66/EntryID/13/Default.aspx for a MSI install package that does the same thing. It will save you messing around with the under carriage of the operating system.
Can someone please test this .msi installer and let me know if it worked?
I have this exact same problem with a Sony VGN-SZ6650/NC. Here’s the variable, I’m using Windows Vista Business. Is there a fix with this OS?
After months of meaning to set this up, I finally tried it with the Dell D620 & standard Toshiba bluetooth stack, only to find it didn’t work…
I found your post and thought ‘ugh’ – editing the .inf files is a little more than seems reasonable for something so straightforward.
The good news is I didn’t have to! Like Greg in post #5, I only had to uninstall the Toshiba Stack through the Control Panel and restart my laptop. Windows automagically recognized and installed drivers for the “Dell Wireless 350 Bluetooth Module” and a “Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator”.
I was able to pair with my phone (8100 Pearl) and the Desktop Manager let me add my blackberry and sync without a hitch.
I did update the Bluetooth radio firmware to the latest version provided by Dell, but I don’t know if that was necessary or not. It certainly didn’t hurt…
Hey this was flawless… was on the phone for 3 hours with a Blackberry tier one guy and a dell super-whammy tech and they sent me HERE to solve this problem so as to avoid “risk” in walking me through the step. And I know jack $#!t about computers. Thank you, your well-deserved 10 bucks is on its way!
Hey, something’s wrong with your donation link i think. shoot me an email so I can take care you. peace.
Hey the MSI installer posted above:
Works GREAT! I would strongly suggest using it because it does not require rebooting or messing around with the inf files. Thanks so much for all the INFO!!!
What a life saver!! I just got my BB Pearl and it would not sync via BT on my HP NC6000. Followed your steps and worked like a charm! Thanks a millioin.
Worked great! My only problem is that our enterprise server has an IT policy that blocks desktop connectivity. Who knew! But this fix is amazing!
Dude, I have been searching for this answer for about a year, trying everything in between. Your instructions are easy and worked right away. Thank you sooo much. Right on, finally bluetooth with Desktop Manager.
This worked step by for me. For anyone with a Compaq or HP if you follow the directions step by step it should be easy. The key is not to edit the Broadcom USB/Vid field but the HP one. Also you should save your original USB/Vid in some form just in case you have to go back and change it. By the way I’m using a compaq Presario with XP Pro SP2.
Thanks for this article. I have been sitting here trying to get it to work. It worked with the Vista factory settings, but when I installed XP (IT person made me) things stopped happening.
My “Hardware Id” reads “Bluetoothtosrfbd”. It looks nothing like the “USBVid_XXX” you referenced. Any ideas?
I have D630 with SP2.
You are a genious! This worked perfectly on a Blackberry Curve and Toshiba Tecra M6.
Excellent work. This worked flawlessly on a Dell D630 and Blackberry 6320. Didn’t even require a re-boot!
You are the man! After hours of my own time online and endless restarts, hours of my IT consultants time and a verdict of “it’s impossible” I have it working on my Sony Vaio VGN-TX650P. Thank you sooooo much.
The paypal link just takes me to my PP account, but not your payee info. Let me know and I will send it along
Great job, we are realy genious this saved my day.
It works on my Sony notebook VGN-TX3HP and my BB 8320. Thanks again.
This worked for me too with Parrot Update Tool and D630
Thanks a million
Well I would love to say thanks and i’m so glad it has worked for everyone else unfortunately my bluetooth setup is through a logitech mx5000 cordless keyboard and mouse duo and is a widcomm usb driver which for some insanely stupid reason microsoft has chosen not to support through xp so unfortunately i guess i’ll have to just stick to the usb cable
I have a D830 with Win XP SP3 and a 8310 with OS 4.5. The instructions worked perfectly. I previously tried dumping the Toshiba drivers and restarting. It didn’t work. The .inf needed to be edited. The instruction above were the golden key.
$ on the way. THANKS!
Another satisfied customer. I have a Dell D630 with SP3. It wouldnt find the device until I got rid of SP3 and then the process worked beautifully.
Thanks a lot. This worked on a HP nx6325 and BlackBerry 8120.
Bonjour de FRANCE!!
This helped me fix the issue and the bluetooth connection is working fine now. Thank you very much. You are a life saver.
I recommend that everyone write to Blackberry and express you dismay at this massive oversight. For RIM not to support the major driver being shipped with Dell business computers is what I would consider a major screw up. Here is the email I sent my compaint to: devsupport@rim.com
Hi Rob,
Thank you very much for taking the time to write down the instructions in such a detailed and straightforward manner.
The usb port on my blackberry is spoilt and I am awaiting a replacement phone from t-mobile.
I have so much data on the blackberry and just had to get it all backed up! I had been looking around and was about to take my phone to a blackberry repair shop to get it fixed. I even bought 2 bluetooth devices from the store and they didnt work. Finally I found this article and was able to successfully backup and sync my blackberry curve to my sony vaio vgn sz 330p via bluetooth.
The instructions were perfect! Thanks again
This article does seem helpful, but im stuck…I uninstalled the Toshiba driveer, reboted, and I dont have a USB port in the device manager with a yellow explanation! what now?
Rob, Thank you so much for helping me fix this. I was able to apply this to my Nokia software on my laptop so I have been able to use bluetooth on my laptop. The Toshiba Stack for me never worked because it expired prematurely. Also on my Dell Latitude 810 I had downloaded the latest Dell Drivers so the device Drivers were acutally Dells and not Toshiba’s. Thanks again so much for your help. Good luck in Grad School I am still a student so I will have donate another time, since I am broke as well.
thank you so much.
I have an HP notebook I’m doing this on. Do you really need to uninstall using Add/Remove programs, or can you just remove the driver from the device manager? I don’t want to remove any HP software that I might need for other bluetooth devices I have configured.
Update: Okay so I followed all the steps precisely and all worked well, I was able to add my blackberry curve to windows bluetooth devices and then find it in the blackberry desktop software and it sync’s just as fast as with USB.
The problem: Now my Stereo Bluetooth headphones don’t work, I’m guessing because windows does not have built-in software support for such devices, or any other device for that matter.
So I re-installed the HP software and got my headset working, but it disabled my blackberry sync. So I instead of uninstalling the HP bluetooth driver software I simply updated the driver in device hardware to use the one edited in the bth.ini file and that allowed me to use my blackberry again, but yet again I lost headphoens.
The problem is that the blackberry desktop software has to link through the built-in windows bluetooth software (found in control panel “bluetooth devices”) rather than the manufactures software (on my system it’s called “bluetooth configuration”). When I have the windows driver installed my HP sotware doesn’t recognize a bluetooth device as being connected to the computer, and vice versa for the windows software when my HP driver is installed. If I could find a way for both the windows built-in software and the HP software to recognize the same device then we’d be in business.
Any suggestions please let me know, i have a restore point created and I’m not afraid to use it!
Thanks again for the instructions and all the support provided by other users on here.
Oh, I should have included this in the last post but here goes:
It appears that you do not need to go to add remove programs and uninstall your currently installed drivers/software. All you have to do is edit the bth.ini file (if you change the name of the maker (HP/Toshiba/Broadcomm) to something unique this will make installing easier, for instance add [WIN] at the end of the current name) Just add your device’s hardware ID’s, and then go to device manager and right click to update the driver, then simply select “don’t search I will choose….” and it will automatically populate in the box with the one you named in the .ini file. Cheers.
I followed these instructions and got my system to work. The one thing I changed is I actually removed the bth.inf file. Everything seemed to be working fine, but later when I started my D620, the bluetooth connection is only updating the calendar now, and I can’t go in and change the options for what it syncs via bluetooth (it is greyed out). If I switch to USB cable, the box is not greyed out, and I can sync everything. Anyway, I’m guessing that the best thing to do would be to put the correct line into the bth.inf file. However, when I go to device manager, there are no USB items that have a conflict, and none of the names of the USB items are obvious to me as representing the Toshiba bluetooth. How do I get the information I need about the Toshiba bluetooth inside the computer if I cannot find it to get the information for the bth.inf file?
I don’t have words to express my sincere thanks to you. I was dealing with this Blackberry Pearl like a dumbo phone from last 30 days and finally now today I am able to sync this with my Outlook.
having trouble with the configuration in this tutorial. does anybody know if there is an issue with xp sp3 and its components? i follow all of the instructions but when i attempt to update the drivers from c:windowsinf it tells me that the wizard could not find a better match than the software you currently have installed. anybody else have the same issue? this has been making me insane for the past few weeks.
cheers in advanced
Your guide was extremely well written and I can’t begin to thank you for addressing the problem. I ran into an issue though which is frustrating me and I can’t figure out what to do.
I went to Add/Remove Program and uninstalled the Toshiba Bluetooth Stack. Unfortunately it was not until after that until I read that the step wasn’t actually needed. So I proceeded with the steps and got to step 6 and that’s where I got stopped up. There is no “USB Device in Conflict” in my Device Manager list; I see no yellow exclamation marks, so it is impossible to identify which device properties I need to open up to get the “Hardware Ids”.
Is there a name for whatever device you got the Hardware Ids for? How can I find it in my Device Manager list without the yellow exclamation to identify it?
Thank you so much in advance for your help.
hey i wanted to say to you that way of making a toshiba/dell stack work with ms bt stack is a little over complicated. after trying your way i got angry and searched for like 3 days, then i found this on toshiba support from like 4 years ago… http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/su/su_sc_dtlView.jsp?soid=842293 this is a link to a page explainging in 2 clicks how to eliminate the original 3rd party stack and use ms stack. thanks for your help and im sure it helped some others but please try this out. especially if you have a toshiba laptop that you want to sync your blackberry to.
I am with Patrick (post 42), I followed the steps but don’t see any USB Device in conflict. After removing the Toshiba bluetooth stack, the bluetooth option disappears altogether.
Post 50 Rob on the SP2 I am running SP3. will ther be any issues or should I report back as I venture on with the Toshiba solution?
I have a Dell D820 and had ordered the user-installable bluetooth module afterwards ($34). It came with a CD with the Toshiba stack on it. I installed the Toshiba stack and the Blackberry software would not find it.
What I did was:
1. Uninstall the “Bluetooth Stack by Toshiba” in Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs
2. Control Panel->System->Device Manager, right click on the computer name at the top of the tree, then “Scan for Hardware Changes”. The Microsoft files plus the the Control Panel applet “Bluetooth Devices” was installed autmoatically.
3. I then had to exit the Blackberry Device Manager program (right click on the tray icon, then Exit). Then restart the Device Manager. Only then will the “Turn on Bluetooth Support” checkbox be available in the Device Manager.
4. In the Blackberry Device Manager, click “Configure Bluetooth…”, “Add…” … add your device.
is it necessary to remove the 3rd party bluetooth drivers if all i want to do is use my blackberry as a modem (tethering)?
ive paired my blackberry with my Latitude D430, but for some reason I cant send any AT modem commands to it, so I wasnt sure if this was related to the BT 3rd party stack or not.
very nicely written article btw!
nevermind! after messing with it a bit, i got tethering to work without all the bluetooth 3rd party stack removal mess.
so the point of my story is, if you REALLY want to use your Desktop Manager over Bluetooth, then follow the steps to remove your 3rd party drivers. If not, then you are cool to use other Bluetooth servers with no problems!
hey rob…
Thanks a ton…this worked so smoothly. i was able to install bluetooth on my D630 following ur steps.. God bless you
I have followed all the steps and see a “microsoft bluetooth enumerator” and “toshiba integrated bluetooth”, however I can not pair my phone to the computer now or see the light on the actual unit light up anymore (I noticed you stated the light would remain on at all times after hack). I am guessing the microsoft software is not communicating with the hardware. Please help. Thanks
Thank you very much was trying to do this for a solid week and tried 4 different Blackberry programs thanks your the man
Right, for those of you with a toshiba laptop with the CRAP toshiba bt stack that only want to connect as a modem, go to the toshiba dowload site and install the latest toshiba BT stack – then remove it through the control panel – this is the best way to get rid of it – for all intensive purposes the BT has dissapeared now completely and no amount of playing with the Inf files (or any other part of the systems) will get it back – so the next stage is to download and install the driver only – you will not find this on toshiba’s normal dowload site so go to
Download http://cdgenp01.csd.toshiba.com/content/support/downloads/ta6btmonitorx.exe
this will now install the driver files for toshibas integrated blue tooth directly after install, with no reboot required providing you follow the install for the exe to the letter.
You be da man!!!
That was awesome! The USB connection port on my BB 8830 dropped dead and couldn’t charge the phone nor sync it. Verizon, Blackberry, and Dell all came through with zilch poo. I found an external battery charger online (no stores carried it) and had it shipped overnight, but no way to sync my stuff. Upon finding your tutorial I was afraid to start tampering, but boy am I glad I did.
That was so simple!!! I needed a trick like this years ago!!! You rock and thanks for taking your time to share!!!
Thanks a bunch. I got this to work with an USB bluetooth device. My dell latitude d830 did not have bluetooth built into it (not an option). I bought a cheap usb bluetooth stick and got it to work using his suggestions, but using the the generic radio bluetooth to input my hardware id.
Great stuff, i have a sony vaio sz and your instructions worked but changing the stuff for the ALPS driver. Thanks.
You sir are a life saver. The USB port on my 2 month old Blackberry Curve broke. RIM in their infinite wisdom did not add the capability to backup data to the SD or SIM cards. Their reasoning is that backups are done to the PC. Well if the USB data port is not working then you are pretty much out of luck. Neither my PC or laptop had bluetooth so I purchased a MoBo USB Bluetooth device. Of course the Blackberry Desktop Manager did not recognize it. I followed your instructions above and used the Broadcomm section. It works perfectly. Thanks again.
This was great. Followed same steps but for the HP integrated bluetooth module. Genius.
Especially many thanks for putting it in such clear terms!
Rob you are great!..;)
Your article was very helpfully for me.
I changed order step in article and it started working.
Thank you very much.
Great stuff dude…I was like going crazy for toshiba driver…..it was installed and working fine but when u try to connect the device …it failed to establish a connection…anyways now after your gr8 discovert it is working perfectly f9…
I am trying to get my Black Berry Curve (8330) to sync with my computer (mail, tasks, calendar etc) through a bluetooth addapter
Is this possible?
I looked throught the above but I am not having the identical issue.
I am will to donate, maybe you could log in and work on this and I will pay you?
Let me know
Thanks for taking the time to do this
Couldn’t believe that RIM wanted me to pay for with Credit Card to get help and Telus wouldn’t support Bluetooth!
Thanks Thanks Thanks
This is truly great stuff !! I can see you have made a lot of people happy !! .. and you have just added another one!
To all the guys who have benefitted – If we ever discover something like this … let’s document and publish it for others to benefit…
Uh-oh! I followed your advice and dove right in (same process except on my Samsung laptop with Broadcom 2045 bluetooth 2.0 USB). Unfortunately, after I uninstalled the driver and performed the requisite restart, the device no longer appears in my device manager. I finally tracked it down by going to Add Hardware in the control panel, but every time I click it, I get the message “Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)” Still no sign of it in the device manager. Help! Any suggestions??
Has anyone tried this on a Dell latitude E6500 with the Dell Wireless 410 Bluetooth device?
Thanks this article helped me fix the bluetooth on my work’s dell 630 laptop. I have trouble sending files to/from my cell phone (blackberry 8300). I’m sure I’ll figure it out, but the set of instructions were very helpful and easy to follow. Thanks again!
You are the man. Screw Dell. I was forced into this laptop by my work. Had to find a couple files during the driver install including bthusb.sys and fsquirt.exe (honestly) but once I mapped to those files it worked perfectly.
Thanks. It works for my Blackberry 8310. on HPnx6325 XP Pro w. sp3.
You can find a link to BT drivers and complementary instructions at:
This worked brilliantly on my Sony Vaio VGN S5XP too – many thanks for a great post!
Wow-eeee! This worked like a charm for my Blackberry 8820 on my Thinkpad Lenovo T-series PC. I was pretty darn close to ditching the Blackberry, as USB data transfer is no longer operational. Thanks SO much!
Thanks for this mega-tip, Rob.
It worked fine for me using a Targus Bluetooth USB stick model #ACB10US and a BlackBerry Bold.
Just in case anybody have the same adpater (and problem), the lines that worked are:
BCM92045DG-Flash_UHE = BthUsb, USBVid_0a5c&Pid_2100&Rev_0100
Thank you again !!!
This worked for me on my Asus G1 laptop.
1. Uninstall the Bluetooth Stack.
2. Goto Device Manager and Search for New Hardware
3. Find Hardware ID for Unknown USB Device
4. Change first Toshiba bluetooth id in C:WindowsInfbth.inf
5. Install driver from C:WindowsInf
6. Wait.
I didn’t have to restart at all.
THANKS! I looked everywhere for a solution to this. I have the Dell D630 too, so it worked perfectly. Also, shot you the $10 donatation. Small price to pay for flexibility!
Thanks again.
I got through the article, however in my hardward ids I only had one line.
I replaced the first line in the bth.inf with the one from the hardware ids.
I did get the driver wizard, and pointed it to windowsinf, but I got an error saying that the current driver was the best match.
So I unistalled the device and did a scan for hardware changes, not it says it can’t find the necessary software.
Please help!
Awsome solution.
I was able to enable bluetooth settings on BB Device Manager in my HP nc6400 laptop. sucessfully I was able to sync.
Hearty Thanks again…. again…
This worked! My’s blackberry lost the ability to connect or charge. She has had it for about six months and has condensed every contact, telephone number, address, calendar entry and any important note into her handheld unit. The problem was she had never backed it up. When the USB plug brake there was no way to charge it or to sync or backup the info. I knew there had to be a way to connect the BB to my laptop via bluetooth, but Verizon offered little assitance (none). I learned through much research that the problem was with the Toshiba bluetooth drivers but I could not find a good expalantion of how to solve the problem. Most bourds just said I needed to use the Micorsoft driver but without a way to make that happen. I have a Dell Inspiron but Dell was unable to offer nay help either. This blog post however, worked!
I am posting to note some things that happened with my porcess that are not listed here. First, I did not have to re-start. Second, after I deleted the Toshiba drivers via “Remove software” in “Control Panel,” I did not have a yellow exclamation make in Device Manager. In fact, I almost immediately saw a new item in device manager called “Bluetooth Radios,” which included Toshiba Integrated Bluetooth and Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator – in that order. Depsite trying to remove the toshiba dirvers several times before, I had not seen the bluetooth radio appear int he Device Manager. I proceeded with Rob’s instructions despite this missing step and found the identical info he mentioned in the bth.inf file. However, since i did not have the USB device in conflict as he described, I simply copied the Harwarde IDs info from the Toshiba Integrated Bluetooth which was “BthUSBVid_413c&Pid_8103&Rev_2422.” Remember I already had the Toshiba Integrated Bluetooth AND the Mirocsoft Bluetooth Enumerator in the Bluetooth Radios of Device Manager. I thehn follwed Rob’s instructions, altered to text of the inf file with the info I provied above “…Rev_2422.” I udoated the drivers and it the BB desktop manager found my wife’s BB. I did have to close out of and re-open the BB desktop manager beoferr the destop manager would “see” the BB.
I was then able to backup the data from the old borken BB and then restore it all onto her new BB. It all worked. I must be honset, it took me all weekend to get this job done. I may have spent 10-12 hours working on the problem. I didn’t find’ rob’s post unitl about the 10th hour into the project. Thanks. Here’s my $10. It was worth it.
Dude, you’re a fu____ng genius. Thank you!
Thanks a stack!
Followed instructions and got it to work on a Latitude D830 and BB8900.
Excellent post.
This tutorial is priceless. Dell was unable to offer any support whatsoever (despite my paying extra for a “premium” support plan). This fix took all of 5 minutes (after spending literally hours researching and finding other threads fixing similar problems on other brands of laptops). The only thing that let me find this page was a Google search for: “USBVid_413c&Pid_8140.” Crazy.
Great tutorial! But after a necessary reinstall I don’t get it going again. I have two major problems:
1. When pairing the device I don’t have any BT-Service in Device Properties
2. In Device Manager, it doesn’t find my Blackberry Bold (tho it is paired correct since I can send Files via Bluetooth to the Phone
May anyone help me with ideas how to solve this?
The Stig
Amazingly helpful when nothing else was.
I had the same issue as “The Stig”
I have an unlocked bold that I use on Tmobile and was formerly was using with a BES, and I have to imagine that somehow some of the IT policy settings persisted.
I used the reset to Factory option in JL Commander (see Pinstack.com forums) to resolve!
Make sure to Backup using Desktop Manager 1st!
It worked on my IBM T60 which uses Broadcom bluetooth and Blackberry curve.
Problem is in the new version of the desktop software. The old version which came with the phone worked fine using the thinkpad drivers. When I installed 4.6 desktop software the bluetooth option became greyed out.
Thanks a bunch
HERE IS A POSSIBLE SOLUTION FOR ALL YOU FRUSTRATED TOSHIBA OWNERS: Blackberry Desktop Manager 4.7 does not seem to work with Toshiba Bluetooth Stack. Amazing but true. So, as Rob has said in this post, you need to uninstall Bluetooth Toshiba Stack through Add/Remove Programs…. BUT, in order for a Toshiba laptop to turn on the built in Bluetooth transceiver using native Microsoft Bluetooth drivers, you need to INSTALL TOSHIBA BLUETOOTH MONITOR!!!!!!! I found it here: http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/support/jsp/outFrm.jsp?ofId=AskIris&searchString=remove+bluetooth+stack&x=0&y=0
Good luck to all of you!
If you’ve followed my tip in the previous post and you finally get the DM to see the Blackberry Device, you may find one last stumbling block: The device manager and the desktop manager see the Blackberry and you can see the device manager connecting to the device but the desktop manager just repeatedly asks you if you want to connect via bluetooth.. You say “yes” and it just comes back and asks again a few seconds later, over and over again but it doesn’t connect???.. Well, I’m glad to say the final solution is really simple: Do a hard reset of the Blackberry Device: Take the battery out…then put it back in. (You should turn off and on the Bluetooth device on your PC as well, just for good measure). When the Blackberry has powered up, insert all the passwords and voila! You should get a pop-up on the computer asking you for your blackberry password…insert it and you’re finally connected.
tried this and it has worked to the point of searching for devices – it cannot find anything. I think it has not actually turned the ‘radio’ on but there is no way to tell that I know of. all the device driver test pass fine. Help please.
Thanks, got it working on Hpdv80000 xp sp3. Some previous fixes I found didn’t work or were to convoluted. I had found on blackberry.com tech support that bluetooth connection to desktop manager was not possible on x64 machines. Obviously that’s false because I’m on an x64 machine.
Only problem I have is that now that my Trendnet TBW-105UB usb bt dongle is working with the Windows drivers, the only service I get is dial up networking. I no longer have the headset speaker connection when using the Widcomm drivers. Is there a way to add extra services? Is the problem with my Windows driver or is it a combination of how the drivers work with this particular usb device? Please anyone help. Thanks again~!
After doing your prescribed proccedure I cannot pair my blackberry to my d630. Any insight.
Thank you
Interesting. Just pulled up your blog post doing a search for XP repair.
I like XP but it can be tough to fix sometimes. (But it is still easier for me to understand than NT!)
Thanks for posting.
Wow, I actually did some programming work by myself – thanks to the fantastic explanation you’ve provided. Thanks a lot!
Just one adaptation: mine is a Lenovo Thinkpad X Series.
Everything is the same with one change:
In the bth file, under IBM it said:
Bluetooth UltraPort Module from IBM= BthUsb, USBVid_04BF&Pid_0317
IBM Integrated Bluetooth= BthUsb, USBVid_04BF&Pid_0318
IBM Integrated Bluetooth II= BthUsb, USBVid_1668&Pid_0441
IBM Integrated Bluetooth III= BthUsb, USBVid_1668&Pid_2441
Unlike in the case presented in the tutorial (no. 7), one needs to use both segments of data retrieved from no. 5. The first will change the second line (IBM Integrated Bluetooth) and the second will change the third line (IBM Integrated Bluetooth II).
Again, thanks a lot and good luck for everybody!
I can’t thank you enough for such a complete, accurate and well written, recipe for success. I have a 4 yr old Sony Vaio VGN-TX650P. Everything was just as you described, and it now works perfectly. I spent hours on my own to no avail and in 10 minutes you had it working for me.
Thanks for giving me the info to get my technology to do what I thought it could.
Cheers dude
Thanks a stack!
Followed instructions and got it to work on a Latitude D530 and BB8520.
Excellent post.
Thanks for this really helpfull information,
I was going mad, but you did a great clear explanation!
Greetings from Belgium!
Thanks ALOT! This worked a treat – no problems at all!
Fantastic! It took a few minutes but I FINALLY got my Blackberry World Edition to work with the Desktop Manager using Bluetooth. Thanks so much!
Alas I am not quite there yet…..
I have removed the original driver and edited the file with the hardware id. The bluetooth box is no longer greyed out in my bberry devide manager.
However, the only service it can find on my device is dial up networking. I have looked on my blackberry and the applicable services are all there and marked as available, except desktop connectivity and wireless bypass. I do not have a BES set up and just have a raw BIS bberry bold….
Any ideas..?
Hi Rob,
I am not sure I want to dive right in and do this. Does unistalling the toshiba thing at the beginning make it anable to sync to anything else? In other words does doing the steps screw up anything (ie. being able to use bluetooth with other devices)
Thank you
Explanation works also with a 2 years old Asus laptop.
Amazing, this is a 3 years problem and Blackberry does not bother with fixing this.
Thanks for the article!
Works great! Very very good solution!
Thanks buddy! I was going crazy with this problem. Kudos!
AWESOME!!! I looked for this solution for sooo long! Perfect fix, on the first attempt! Awesome job with the research and thanks for passing it along!
Just to thank you so much for the note.
I actually – with the Dell 620 followed what the comments suggested, just removed the Toshiba Stack(Under Bluetooth, not Toshiba) and then just hibernated – I meant to shut down, but default was hibernate, and that was sufficient.
Anyway, it came back up, found the other drivers, and the Desktop manager worked a treat.
I had no problems with the synchronization (address and calendar) at all.
Thanks so much.
Amazing post, not often can I find such quality. Do you write any blogs with similar content?
Wow, that was really scary! Thankfully I am also using a Dell Latitude D630 so the entire process was very similar. The only differnece is that I did not immediately get a yellow icon after uninstalling the Bluetooth stack. I did not want to reboot as I had a couple of processes running so instead I had to do a search for new hardware under the Device Manager before the yellow icon for the conflicting / missing bluetooth device appeared.
Thank you so much!
Thanks Rob…Your article helped me alot in setting up my laptop bluetooth device
Perfect, it really works. It makes my life (at least some minutes of it every day) much easier
Thank you very much!
I’am french, I had a similar pb with my BB curve 9300 and my Latitude D430 Laptop. I followed the exact procedure and it is really well working . Thank you man great!!!
I never imagined how much stuff there was on the internet about this!
Thanks for making it simple to figure out