iPhone White Screen / Sleep State Problem

I ditched my Blackberry Curve and picked up an black 16 gigabyte 3g iPhone last week.  It had been a great experience so far, with only a handful of complaints.

[Note: Since this entry was written, I have been releasing iPhone applications to the iTunes store.  You may be interested in checking out our iPhone and iPod Touch Applications. -rob]

Yesterday, however I had a serious problem with the phone.  I was at Rock the Bells in Mansfield, MA and reached for my phone only to find that it had a solid white screen.  It would not respond to the sleep or home button.  I tried the hard restart (reset), and it would go blank, then if I did it again, flash the white briefly.  I did the hard restart (10 seconds home and sleep) a few more times and got to the Apple logo.

iPhone White Screen / Sleep State Problem

The device then boot up normally to the home screen, however the moment it went to sleep it would not come back to life.  It would just be a dead screen.  I could get it to come back to the home screen again by doing multiple hard restarts (not every one was successful in getting to the Apple loading screen, sometimes holding the two buttons only resulted in a vibration) but even then it required multiple attempts. If I missed the home screen and it went to sleep then the process had to be repeated.

When I got home I plugged the device in and even though the screen was blank, my PC and iTunes would make the device vibrate briefly and see the device as working.  However, no combination of hard resets and plugging it into the USB would get things ‘back to normal.’  I should note that I did have enough power in the phone during the course of this white screen / sleep problem.  I could tell because on occasion when it would get to the home screen, it would show I had battery power left.

I went ahead and tried a restore of the device to factory settings, since iTunes was seeing it fine.  Then I went ahead and restored my backup.  Same problems, sleep state problem, white screen problem.  My final measure was to do yet another complete factory restore and see how the phone operated, i.e. was there something wrong with my previous settings such that it was causing the operational problems?

No.  Same problems.  I took it into the Apple store on Boylston downtown Boston this morning and a person at the Genius Counter replaced after a I provided a brief description. The Genius Counter technician did not spend any time troubleshooting / verifying them.  This leads me to believe that this could be a common enough problem that it is occurring in other phones i.e. a white screen / sleep state nonresponsive.

Gliph digital identity and privacy protection

I asked what might have been the problem and he seemed firm that it was a hardware issue and did not express any surprise.  He suggested that possibly there was something going wrong with the screen power.  I wasn’t going to argue with him, because I really just wanted to get my iPhone working again and was happy to have a brand new replacement.  But the glitched confused me because it seemed intermittent.  Why would the iPhone occassionally operate fine after boot but only then become unresponsive after sleep.

Another clue was that the tech also suggested that I set up the iPhone as a new phone rather than restore my backup, ‘just to be sure.’  This means that the tech felt there might have been something that had simply gone wrong in my backup.  I’d like to say that this was some variant of the “white screen of death” or some type of bug in the 2.0 firmware, but unfortunatly all I can do is speculate.

Perhaps the symptoms I described represent an unofficial known issue.  If it has been recognized as such a problem and is grounds for immediate replacement.  Or, perhaps Apple is just taking a pretty wide ranging returns.  I am a brand new Apple customer and the support experience was a good one.

I did do a fair amount of searching the web for solutions and troubleshooting prior to taking the phone in to an Apple store.  I found both this Howard’s Forums thread and this Apple Support Forum thread that described white screen problems that were different from mine.

You should know that when you swap out your iPhone for a new oneyou must set up your voicemail again.  I lost all of my old voicemails and had to re-record my greeting.  This is sort of a bummer.  Fortunately, my SMS messages and iPhone photos were a part of the iPhone backup, so all of those conversations were retained.

All audio and video files had to be re-synced and for whatever reason the restore removed a few of the iPhone applications I had installed, Google, Facebook and in my library.  A few applications were also not uninstalledremained including AIM and Tap Tap.  iTunes actually issued a warning dialog that Tap Tap could not be uninstalled / removed properly and gave a hex identifier for the error.

Finally, I did have a look at the iPhone crash recovery logs directory to look for any evidence of the problem I had all day yesterday.  Interestingly, there are no logs from July 26th, the day where the white screen / dead sleepstate problem occurred.  There are logs from when I tried syncing after midnight from Mediaserverd and MobileSafari.  I don’t see anything that suggests tracking of all the hard restarts I attempted throughout yesterday afteroon.  The last crash had bug_id 115.

If you have had a similar problem, feel free to post in the comments to share with the web.

Don’t forget to follow me on twitter.


  1. I work at an AT&T retail location and we have 2 demo phones exhibiting similar problems. They just never go dark.
    I’ve been googling “iPhone 2.0 sleep” and similar and found this page. Interesting that yours was replaced. Might be an “unreported defect” or something.

  2. I have had the same problem…one day my phone works, the next, it doesn’t work and I get that white screen of death…I am not happy with AT&T because I switched over from Verizon (with whom I’d been with for 4 years and had 0 problems…zero) and even though I had to wait 2.5 weeks for them to ship me one, and all the hassles that went in with that…I’m almost ready to just return it and get a refund and go back to no hassles…except the iphone is so nice…

    thank you for the post, I will try the hard resets and otherwise take it back for them to tell me it’ll be 7-10 days before i get another one

  3. I have the same problem with White screen, however the iphone now wont even reset.

    I have spoken to Optus whom sold me the iphone and they have advised me that it is a hardware issue with the iphone and to bring the phone back to the point of purchase.

  4. Just had the same thing happen to me yesterday with my brand spankin’ new iPhone I just got to replace my 1st iPhone. Screen went white and wouldn’t respond at all (battery had >75% remaining). Got home, hooked it up to iTunes, tried to restore, but had to run it twice and restore it as a “new phone” not from backup before I was able to get the phone to respond. Very worrisome. Would love for Apple to address what caused this and not just replace the phone again (would be 2nd time in less than a week!) Note that iPhone is well taken care of, but numerous issues including hardware, software and connectivity have arisen over the past 2 months. Any other forums re: these recent issues out there?

  5. I’ve had my iPhone for 5 days now, and saw my first white screen last night.
    I haven’t even had the chance to install ANY applications on my phone before the screen went white. I pushed the Phone icon to look at recent calls, and then the Home Button again, but it wouldn’t come back to the Home Screen. Turns out I could only navigate through Favorites, Recents, Contacts, Keypad and Voicemail. Hitting the Sleep button on top didn’t even do anything, and turning it off didn’t work. Then after about 15 minutes of this, the screen just went completely white and nothing could be done about it.

    After reading a few threads in other forums, I tried holding the Sleep and Home buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds. And then the Home button by itself. This prompted the black screen with the white apple, but nothing else. So i repeated this process, and saw the apple again.. I had to do this about 4 times and then everything came back to normal. I could access the Home screen and everything on my phone.

    When my phone was in the White Screen state, I plugged it in iTunes and it displayed there correctly. I was also able to access all the pictures on it thru My Computer.
    Other weird fact.. An extra picture appeared in the Photos Folder. It was a PNG picture of when my phone was stuck on the Favorites screen. hhhmmm… weird.

  6. in response to #5 – Vero, I just experianced the exact same thing, except i only noticed the problem when my phone was in my pocket and it took a picture without me touching it. i took it out and i could only look at the phone functions. except my pictures i found in my folder were, in this order, a black screen. the favorites screen, then 2 white ones.

  7. had the white screen as well. freaked me out!! i tried #5 vero’s got and it to at least get to the apple screen. repeated that 5 times and plugged it back into my pc and that seemed to be the final kick in the pants it needed. itunes also prompted me to send new info on the phone to apple which i did.

  8. I had the exact same problem. Phone was working fine – accepting calls, playing music, launching apps, etc., then the White Screen of Death. The phone would not respond at all not matter what buttons I pressed. Two hours later same problem – finally get back to my car and plug into the car charger and the phone come back to life…Not sure what caused it or what fixed it, however, not a good feeling when you are out of town with no phone access. Previously the phone would have periodic lockups with black screen – other issues poor battery life, drop calls (at least 6 a day) and poor reception. I take it into the store today but I was informed I would have to schedule and appointment or leave my phone for 24hour to diagnosis. Not sure what the extended warranty coverage does for me….my phone is 20 days old.

  9. Had the same issue and found this site first. With a little patience and holding the sleep and home for 10 seconds then the home button by itself. I was able to clear the white screen and shut it off. I left it charging with iTunes open for a while, then turned it on. It came up normally. The origional symptoms were I was stuck on the phone section. I could browse contacts, pull up the keypad and make calls, listen to voicmail but I couldn’t home out of it… while tooling around from there it popped to the white screen we all love…


  10. This just happened to me. Thankfully, I found this site and did the whole hold the restart and home button for 10 seconds. It was weird that when i connected to my computer there was a screen shot of my phone stuck on my favorites screen, that i did not take. I didn’t even know that was possible.

  11. My iPhone failed also, the White Screen. I can add that my cars navigational system did recognize my iPhone during this time and I was able to send and recieve calls.
    On the occasion of its failure it had just been plugged in for charging, it vibrated for about 60 secs and I was unable to recover from the white screen.
    My iPhone has been replaced. This after a mandatory software download. How many times Will our Phones require replacing?

  12. Same problems with the white screen. I’ve had my iphone g3 for a week. It has gone to a white screen and been stuck there 4 times now. I’m taking it back to the telstra to get repaired. They send it away for 6 days. Had so many problems with Telstra i suggest that no one by the iphone from Telstra.

  13. After finishing talking on the phone I encountered my first white screen problem tonight and got it fixed after 6 attempts repeatedly holding down the home the sleep buttons. This forum has been great to help me fix this problem in 20 minutes late at night.
    My experience was similar to #5 Vera and #6 Stew. I also got a snapshot of the iphone picture when I plug into my PC on iTune. I hope this will not happen again on my new 10 days old iphone. It is rather annoying when you do not know what has caused the problem. I will call my Fido dealer in Vancovuer tomorrow to report this.

  14. This just happened to me about 15 minutes ago. I just purchased my iPhone last tuesday, and I’ve babied it ever since. I’ve had minor problems, nothing major though. Well, this morning I wake up to take a shower, and set it on table. When I get out I see that the screen hasn’t gone to sleep, and it’s stuck on the pageonce app. From there I pressed home a few times and dabbed my fingers around, which randomly took me into iPod. The home button wouldn’t respond, and then a few seconds later, the white screen of death. I frantically googled and found this page, worried my phone had bricked, but after connecting it to iTunes (and letting it sync/back up) once and then doing another hard reset, it brought everything back to normal.

    Just as this post mentioned, I ditched my blackberry curve, which I’ve had minimal problems with, to get the iPhone 3g. And then there seems to be lots of small glitches, lags, and of course the white screen of death. I have to say, I’m slightly disappointed Apple.

  15. Also-to everyone commenting on the pictures of your iPhone display, if you hold home and press the lock/sleep button, it will snap a picture and put it in you camera roll. You will usually accidentally do this while performing the hard resets.

  16. I am from Ecuador, had the same problem today. Made the 10 seconds thing and got okay… I didnt even need to plug it with iTunes.. I hope it just is a firmware problem that can diappear with an update… Good Luck to all!

  17. i am from Singapore, also encountered the same problem. White screen of Death. It happens after i received a phone call.

    Apple really need to relook at this batch of screens…..

    Bought the phone on 25 Aug 08 in Singapore, today is 10 Sept 08…. Sucks…

  18. Same story as everyone else. However, I have the first generation iphone (not the new 3G iphone). This leads me to believe that it is a 2.0 software bug that causes a temporary “freeze” on the device. What worked for me was to plug my phone in and do a hard reboot (hold in the sleep and home screen buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds). If it doesn’t work, then try and try again. Hopefully Apple gets this thing figured out. I love the phone but I wouldn’t hesitate switching back to my Blackberry if this problem persists. BTW… everyone should keep posting with their problems. I was once lost too with no where to turn for help. Thanks everyone!

  19. Thanks #5 for the tip. I put that together with patience when plugging it back into my computer. It took many seconds for my computer to recognize it. Once it did it was running completely normally. Nothing changed or lost. What might’ve prompted this problem for me was I had been trying to send a text message and there was an error sending for a few times. When it was doing it again, right in the middle of giving me the “error sending” message, I pressed the home button. My problem started immediately after that. But all is okay now.

  20. Thanks guys/girls
    having same problem just a short while ago and found this site, have had the phone for 3mths with no dramas , phone is babyed, not sure but only last week down loaded new update for phone which came in automatic , has/does anyone know if this is a possible cause?

  21. After ditching Verizon wireless I got my iphone 3G last night [9:00PM] and only added few numbers , took couple of pictures & made couple of phone calls and today at work , set up the network , surfed web for few minutes and at 2:30PM without any warning it went “dead white” on me. After googling frantically, landed up on this site, thanks for all the tips. After 4-5 hard boots I could revive it [Hshhhhh]. I haven’t even connected to my iTunes yet.
    Apple should definitely take note of this issue.
    I just hope this does not happen often.

  22. I have identical problems as Rob. It seems to be regardless of any restore, DFU etc. The screen goes white for a bit then blacks out altogether. Itunes will think everything is just fine. Worst of it is, my phone is first get and was a gift and is out of warrantee. -hugo

  23. I am having a similar problem with the origional Iphone (not 3G), I have installed the latest 2.1 software update over the weekend along with some additional updates apple iphone updates totaling 400+ MB, and just now, as soon as I finished a call, the screen went totally white and I have not been able get the white screen to change back to normal.

    It worked fine for several days after I updated it, just now I am having the white screen of death problem.

    Rebooting it does not fix the problem. From the sounds of it, it looks like a problem may exist in the 2.1 software update or one of the updates before that.

  24. Mine is currently in the white screen of death mode and will not come out. I called apple and restored it to my old settings and then again as if it were a new phone and no change. Everything works on my phone like the buttons, slide to unlock, and people can call, but i cant see anything. I tried holding both buttons for 10 seconds and no response. I am going to take my iphone into apple tomorrow. And hopefully get a replacement.

  25. Kylie (post#24),

    I would like to know what you find out as this is where mine is too, I can slide the imaginary bar across to receive a call bu there is nothing on the screen.

  26. My friend just called me with the same problem. I googled it and came up with this site to help him out. Even though the screen is white it appears everything still works correctly. I can call him and he gets the call. When I see him I will tell him about the hard reset. Feel bad for him but to me its kind of funny, guess I’m glad I still have my good ol blackberry.

  27. I have experienced the “white screen of doom” a few times now. However, in my case it seems to be connected to a case I ordered online.
    I wanted a case with a flap that covers the screen. The one I got seems to have a magnet in it to hold the flap closed. When I leave it in the case for a while and then open the case, it has the white screen. However, hard reset and taking it out of the case seem to have eliminated that problem. Has anyone else possibly had magnets invovled?

  28. I have been having white screen issues too. Took my first iphone (3G 16G) back to the apple store and it was replaced on the spot. I was pretty happy with that…until the replacement started doing it before I even got home to do a restore or anything. White screen is sometimes solid for most of the day, other times “fritzes” in and out. I was told that it was a software issue and that the upgrade would solve it (that was, of course, the day after the last release). I am getting so frustrated…cannot count on being able to use my phone when I want it or need it

  29. Glad to see I am not the only one having the same “white screen” issue. I am curious as to how big this problem really is.. After coming across this article, I used all the tips mentioned above. The reset worked for me as well.

    My question is; even though everything seems to be fine now, should I get this phone replaced with a new one? What are the chances of this “white screen” happening again? Is this a sign of many more glitches to come??

    Please post a comment is anyone has some insight. Thanks!

  30. i dont know if i beleive it is a hardware problem. i just had this problem with my 1st gen iphone. screen went white and the phone crashed. the first time i did a hard reset and it rebooted ok. a few days later the screen goes white again. i did a hard reset and nothing. now itunes recognizes the phone but the phone itself it totally unresponsive. i have had this thing for a while now and gone through all the various software updates and unlocks. nothing like this has happened before and i have no idea what to do. i tried restoring and nothing

  31. i want to thank everyone who responded re: the white screen. I freaked out until i read this thread. I restarted my phone and it worked.


    But should i be concerned?

  32. Read #5 Vero’s statement and that is EXACTLY what happened to me tonight. It took about a half hour and alot of messing with the phone before it came back.

  33. Just bought mine THUR night and it crashed this evening with a white screen of death. I was responding to Gmail, hit the home button and it went to ‘recent phone calls’. All of a sudden the iTunes interface showed on only the top third of the screen. Tried to do a soft reset and it went to the white screen of death… sux. Going to try to do a restore next and hopefully it will work, else I have to go get a replacement tomorrow.

  34. Has anyone solved this white screen issue by battery replacement? I’ve heard this has been a possible culprit.

  35. My husband’s iPhone is a gift from his sister when he was visiting Russia. Guess what? The White Screen of Death, that’s what! I am so glad I found rob’s blog! I suspected that the hard reboot would work, but am astonished at this occurrence, and the apparent prevalence of it…. This blog is a godsend. Apple, what’s up? Do I have to go buy my hubby an Android or G1 phone to replace his iPhone?

  36. I just had the problem, after getting latest updates from cydia and trying to access appstore. the screen hung up and white screen appeared. tried restarting the phone by holding home and power button. It worked after the third time and it rebooted. Its now working fine. not sure about the problem though..

  37. I am continually having this problem, can some of you tell me what operating system, email accounts, etc. that you are using. I am now on my 4th iphone 3g, it seems to me that something is causing a conflict, any help would be appreciated. As stated by others of you, Apple doesn’t seem interested in fixing the problem, just replacing iphones that will have the same problem.

    Thank You

  38. White screen. Used #5 solution, works again. I don’t baby it, I’ve dropped it at least ten times, no protective cases, put in my back pocket and rub the screen on my pant leg when my ear oil makes it all greasy. 🙂 .

  39. I had the problem. Phone was working fine and suddenly it would not go anywhere outside of the phone functions – it would go to keypad, favorites, contacts, recents and voicemail. The home button would only go to the favorites screen. While fiddling with it, it finally just went to the white screen. Did the hard boot (holding home button and power button for 25 seconds, it restarted – but stayed longer on the apple screen than usual. And yes, there are images on the favorites screen and the white screen in the camera roll now.

  40. Did the same as number in this list and white screen went to the apple the same and then cot the phone to switch of then back on again and all works fine. Many thanks

  41. This happened to me last night. I got the white screen after being stuck on the contacts/keypad etc. screen. My phone is going to Best Buy in the morning for a chat with the ATT rep. Does anyone else have a problem with their motion sensing not working as well? BTW, my iphone is an 8gb 3G less than a month old.

  42. I have a first gen iPhone, and I THINK I had this problem about 40 days ago. Randomly clicking and holding buttons finnaly worked (at the time I had no idea of the 10 sec hard boot).

    That was the only problem untill today. Last night I upgraded to ver 2.1. Today I had it on my docking station and it would not power down the screen. It would even freeze it, saying the time was whenever I last used it. Same thing after I took it off the dock. I went to check my phone after getting out of the shower to see if I had any missed calls. But the home button wouldnt work, it was more or less stuck in the Ipod section of the phone. So I try my random playing with buttons trick that eventually worked in the past and low and behold I hear the picture noise (as mentioned by post 15. Kevin, ty btw for that post) and then the white screen of death.

    Hooked it up to iTunes to no avail, but searched for it on the web and found this site, did the hard restart and it works fine now.

    I almost wonder if its a flaw/error with the self picture function. Because a white screen flashes when you use that function.

    I dont know, thanks for the posts though.

  43. I have an 8 GB iphone which I got a month ago. But then yesterday when I was charging it via my USB to power point adapter, the screen blanked out and black lines keep running across it. Hopefully Apple will replace my iphone. Itunes can’t read it either.Does anyone have solutions?

  44. I recieved my phone through my job. I am flipping, because the screen went white. I dont want to be the first one to go to the boss and ask for a replacement phone. How can you restart? This is rediculous. I’m glad I didnt have to pay out of pocket for this phone.

  45. bought the iphone in munich, germany. 4 weeks later while browsing my phone contacts appeared the white screen.

    hard reboot worked fine: pressing Home + Power Button at the same time.

  46. Had the 3G about 10 days. The White Screen of Death happened after it first froze in the phone mode, then while pressing buttons the WSD appeared. After reading this site I tried a hard reset except I did it for at least 45 seconds while it was on the charger and the white apple appeared, but stayed longer than usual?? When the reboot completed, everything returned, no data lost, everything functional. Fingers crossed that this was a one time occurrence.

  47. I am having this problem again and agin, can some of you tell me what operating system, email accounts, etc. that you are using. I am now using iphone 3g, it seems to me that something is causing a conflict, any help would be appreciated. As stated by others of you, Apple doesn’t seem interested in fixing the problem, just replacing iphones that will have the same problem.

    Thank You

  48. The white screen/Freeze just happened to me. I called apple and they suggested to do a master rest. I pressed the pwer and the home simaltanously, then the apple signed appeared. It took about a minute to load then everything was ok.

  49. Happy Thanksgiving! — I am all snuggled up here at my cabin in Priest Lake, Idaho looking forward to using my 3G Iphone that I purchased at Best Buy in September.
    Boom! I woke up this morning, Thanksgiving morning, and nothing on my iphone but a white screen with black lines coming down vertically on 1/2 the screen on the right hand side. I have read everything I can find on this — and tried all the suggestions — but, nothing is working.
    Odd– people have called me on this phone– and it vibrates — but, there is nothing else — except the white screen. The laptop finds it on Itunes. Nothing has made the white screen go away and it won’t turn off. I have tried to call Apple — but, of course, no answer as it is a holiday. I will call Apple tomorrow — and hope that something can be done. I really love this phone– have downloaded 52 apps — have 2,800 photos — and yet,still a lot of room left. I keep thinking I put too much stuff on it — but, it shows (showed) a lot of room left. I am so bummed — I really have fun with this phone — now, I hope I have to wait at the Doctor’s office, so I can play spades, pong, etc. ( I know, I know I need to get a life) Any thoughts anyone has on this would be helpful. Hope your Thanksgiving day was great.

  50. Hey I had the same problem twice, but on my iphone 1G it’s even weirder!!! When I first had this white screen I found this page and tried everything that stood in the posts…nothing happend!
    However one day later I pressed home and power butten, just power button, just home button a couple of times …and suddendly I saw the apple sign in the wrong direction(it was kind of mirrored so the bitten/open part of the apple was left). Furthermore there was no backlight so you could only see it with light of a lamp.
    Well than I could suddenly restart it and everything was normal.
    So than a few days later it happend again…i pressed all kind of stuff again…and this wrong apple sign appeared again. – So than I restarted and everything is perfect untill now…, but I realy don’t now whats wrong with it.

  51. #5 you explained exactly what happened to me last night.

    Fortunately I did Google the issue and found this page, did the 2 button reset and voila, back to life.

  52. My iPhone started with just white flashes but would always go back to normal. As time passed it finally progressed to the same white screen with vertical lines everyone else is talking about. The funny thing is I can still punch in my pass-code just by remembering where the numbers should be on the screen and start my iPod program because I know where it should be.

    Today I’ve found that when the white screen appears if you hold the edges of the iPhone in both hands and twist it slightly in opposite directions (sort of like wringing out a towel) the white screen goes aways and my iPhone is back to normal and life has meaning again. Which leads me to the assumption that there may be a faulty connection on the inside. I just hope they replace it with a brand spanking new one when I go for my Technical Support appointment at the Apple store tomorrow.

  53. I have the new iphone 3G and just experienced my first “white screen of death”. I have no clue why it is doing this. I have only had it three weeks! It was a gift for my 21st birthday! I love the phone but there has been little glitches here and there, nothing huge enough to freak out about. BUT THIS is horrible! I have dont the hard reset about 20 times and nothing. I can recieve phone calls, it rings vibrates and dings when I get a text message. I can slide the slider bar but cannot unlock the screen because I can not see the numbers to enter the code(bc its white duh) I called technical support and was on hold for 30 minutes to find that I need to drive to an apple retailer…and the nearest one is 90 miles away in dallas! can I not just take it to the place i purchased it and they replace it?

  54. oh and also, i have seen many people say that when they plug it into the computer they see a picture of their homescreen. There is a short cut to take pictures on your phone of screens, if you touch the home button and then the sleep button and hold it for a few seconds you will hear a shutter and it will take a picture of whatever is on your screen(not through the camera lense) so it probably was an accident when you were trying to do a hard start considering its the same buttons in the opposite order.

  55. I survived the white screen of death. Don’t know how. Tried hard reset several times. Tried synching several times. Heard the photo shutter sound go off once. Let the phone rest while I went agro thinking about time I’d be wasting driving to get a “Genius” to replace the phone. Hit home button and . . . . wala, back to normal. I was using Wide Mail app when screen went white.

  56. Same problem as #42 today. The iPhone got stuck in the phone mode, wouldn’t Home out.

    But I got the white screen when I did the 1st hard reset (Home+Sleep for 10 secs). iTunes happily synched, with the white screen still on. Then I unplugged the USB, reset again, and the screen went blank. So I plugged the cord back in and voila, apple logo and then Home screen.

  57. I was having the same problem. Thank you #5! Your solution worked for me. As an aside, my camera took a picture of the login screen when it was stuck… very strange.

  58. I have also fallen victim to the white screen of death. The crazy thing about mine is after I get the white screen my phone goes black and then will not respond for several hours.

  59. Well,

    I have two iphones, as my original cracked. And my new one experience the white screen, and I’m stuck in a snowstorm, so I’d been using my original, which within an hour…Got the screen of death as well!

    So now, stuck at home, phoneless, in the snow, with two white screens. I did the reboot, and restore, and it somewhat helped the newer one, but if unplugged from my computer, it goes white. My other, is still white.

    Of course, I can’t get to the apple store because of the 6 inches of snow! Merry x-mas!

  60. Thanks for the 411. I was eating at a restaurant and had the same problem. I had to rush my dinner because I didn’t want to think it was busted. My iphone is only a month old. You rock! I wish info online are always as reliable as yours. Pls don’t publish my email address.

  61. I tried the reboots like #5 suggested to no avail. What I did to fix the issue was
    1.) connect to itunes.
    2.) Restore and select backup before.
    3.) let the phone backup and then restore.
    4.) Sync the phone.

    Everything is now back to normal. This has to be a software issue.

  62. I have done reset about 5 times through itunes and selected it as a new phone. The screen is black and cannot see anything on it. Help pls.

    Only option is to return it. Any ideas?

  63. I’ve had my i-phone for a month now, and I’m absolutely in love with it =] Yesterday, I was texing and all of a sudden, that stupid white screen popped up. I tried a number of things like sending texts from my friends phone, calling it, and holding thehome button….nothing worked. I decided to plug it in to my charger and leave it over night, but it didn’t even react to the charger. I started freaking out!

    I would just like to thank you because after holding sleep and home for 10 seconds, my phone turned back into its normal state, and now everything is fine. I was afraid At&t was going to try to make me pay for another phone! Thanks so much! You have just made my Christmas Eve so much more enjoyable!! Happy holidays!

  64. Mine is an year old first gen, and it just happened yesterday. I restored, etc etc etc… And I just can’t get rid of it… It’s really stressful.

  65. Same problem as #50, my screen is black on the left half, and vertical (mostly white)lines on the right. The phone works fine, but it’s pretty useless without being able to see anything on the screen. I power cycled, restored 2.2, no luck!!! Anybody else have this problem? Betsy Vance, how did you resolve your issue? Is this the same as white screen of death? Or something different.

  66. Thanks guys for the comments, I had the white unresponsive screen and had no clue what to do until I found this site; I’m a video director so I didn’t want to give up my iPhone!

    I just went through the whole process and for me what worked was:

    1) Hold the sleep and home buttons until the screen flickered and the apple icon on a black screen shows up.

    2) Then I just held the menu button for several seconds for the reboot.

    If it does this frequently I will be taking it back to the store for replacement…

  67. First saw this last night when I tried to charge my phone and it didn’t respond to the power adapter. I figured it might have been the charger that was broken or faulty as it wasn’t working for either my phone or another iphone I had access to.

    Then I noticed that I could no longer navigate back to the HOME screen and I was stuck in ipod mode. I could jump back and forth between ipod and itunes by using the “Get Updates” while viewing a podcast, but still not way to get to the home screen.

    I tried a hard boot and that didn’t work, next thing I know I get the “Black Screen of Death” and then a few minutes later, after I held down the sleep button for about 15 seconds and then tapped the home button I got the white screen next.

    I did what was suggested in the above #66 and everything went back to normal – so far… cross my fingers it doesn’t repeat itself.

  68. I’ll say that I’m not too happy with my ipod touch
    because I am having the same symptoms…
    white screen…unresponsive….wont soft reset…

    What just rubs me the wrong way about all of this is that this seems to be an all too common issue…with technology that should endure at least a 8 to 12 month period before going through major glitches.

    Especially when the average consumer is putting down quite an investment for…lets be real..a pocket toy.

    This low quality, unreliable piece of technology has been obviously overrated.

    I suggest to all who have had this issue to send apple an e-mail stating the clear lack of quality.

    I know I will…

  69. I have a 4-day-old phone and same thing happened as with #4 and #s (haven’t read all entries). At first my “enter passcode” screen showed but when i typed my passcode nothing appeared on the four boxes. Later i had the ‘White Screen that Freaks you out”, lol. Searched on the web and got this great site and thanks a lot for the help. I hope this doesn’t happen again because my phone is not even up to a week old and i love it too much for it to try to break my heart like this. 🙂

  70. Hi,
    I’ve had my Iphone 3G for just over a week know and just recently i became a victim of the ‘white screen of death’ so i restarted the phone by hitting the home button and the power button for about 10 seconds. As a result the Apple icon appeared and there was a loading time for about a minute before it returned to the normal display – apparently this is a hardware or software issue.

    However i am also having problems with people not being able to connect through to my phone when it is on (straight to answerphone) – but sometimes it works fine – does anyone know why this is happening ? and could give me some advice to what i should do next and whether the ‘white screen of death’ could be realted to this – i.e go to the 02 shop and get it replaced or contact apple .

    Many Thanks
    Your Thoughts please

  71. Today i experienced the white screen of death and many thanks to this site i managed to get my iphone back to life by holding the Home and Sleep button for 10 seconds.

    I do hope that this is not going to be a on-going problem or my iphone will be going back to the store.

    Would like to say a thanks for all your usful advice.

  72. Same problem. Fixed it by pressing home & power simultaneously. Hold until apple icon reappears during reboot. At this point I plug into sync (USB). White apple icon sits for a while. Be patient: takes between 2 & 3 minutes. Then, restores.

    Clearly there’s something hosed that Apple needs to address. Might be software. Might be hardware. Might be both. It is unfortunate since this is a nice little device.

  73. ANSWER: “Today i experienced the white screen of death and many thanks to this site i managed to get my iphone back to life by holding the Home and Sleep button for 10 seconds.
    I do hope that this is not going to be a on-going problem or my iphone will be going back to the store.
    Would like to say a thanks for all your usful advice.”


  74. My white screen problem seems to awhile after I close the flap on my leather case I purchased online for it (same as #27 Matt Oct 2). I guessed that when the screen came on, for some reason, the flap covered screen would eventually go to white screen. After reading Matt’s post, I am now inclined to suspect the magnet in the flap as the culprit. I’ll monitor the behavior a few more times and cut the magnet out of there if I have to.

  75. It whited out on me two more times yesterday, so I took a razor blade and cut the magnets out of the leather case I had bought (one in the front flap and one in the rear cover); Problem solved. Magnets will definitely mess up your iphone!

  76. Its happened to me, i keep trying the reset thing (holding the two buttons down for 10 seconds), nut it doesn’t seem to help. is there anything else i should be doing. god forbid apple make a product that works.

  77. I just had the same problem as everyone else…very annoying. 🙁 This website helped me though thank you so much. I hope this doesn’t happen again 🙁

  78. Had the same problems aswell, you could here the keys unlocking for the unlock screen but had the white screen of death, had the weird camera thing happening too, took a photo with out me taking one then when I fixed it (home and sleep buttons) I plugged it into my PC and my screensaver came up as a photo? Weeeird anyway it’s fixed for now I reckon if I have more problems I’ll just take it back, this site is a godsend thank you so much!!

  79. hello
    yeah i had that same problem but my was weird. all the sounden my iphone stay in the tap seccion of the phone i mean where you deal and see your contacts to make calls, but then i press the home button and it just did not leave the seccion, as much as i press the home button it never decided to quit. i decided to press the home and the power but at the same time and all it did was like a snapshoot camera sound and my screan went white. i was like OMG than i try to chill jaja because it can get very anoying and all i did was i notice that in the white screan it never changed so i decided to leave it like that the whole night so that the battery would dry (you know what i mean) next morning obvious the phone was off, that was my puporse, huck up to computer and the phone turn on, but it took few min to reload but at least nothing mayour happened. so you could try at least that simple option!

  80. White Screen came up for me tonight. Thankfully this site existed to show its not only me. I reset from Factory settings and then restored from iTunes. Hopefully this issue is resolved. I like the iPhone and it has been very cool but don’t want to be stuck high and dry when I’m paying top dollar for two of these. John

  81. If the white screen shows on your iphone…simply hold the home button and power button for 10 second. It should restart your system and everything should back to normal. Hope that’ll help you.

  82. The white screen came up for me just this morning and really made me freak out. Luckly I was able to get rid of it by pressing the two hard reset buttons for 10 seconds. Worked like a charm. Hope it doesn’t keep happening.

  83. to zammy #74

    same thing happened to mine right now I took a snapshot of my favorites screen then it went blank and it just keeps taking snapshots!!!

  84. So. Not sure if this will help everyone or not, but here’s what I’ve learned (the hard way).

    Work at a company with 6-8 iphones in organization. All except one have been working perfect (these are all 3g 16gig units, as well). The one was getting the white screen. Instructions above would recover/wakeup the phone, but the whitescreens would happen 1-3 times a day on average. Not acceptable.

    We replaced the SIM card, swapped the physical unit, had it replaced through Apple. No matter what combination we used, what handheld, what sim card, still happened. At this point, we were baffled. The last time we didn’t even restore from itunes, to assure it wasn’t an app or song or something causing it.

    Now it’s fixed, haven’t had it happen in weeks. I don’t understand how this is possible, but here was the fix.

    The one user having problems with this, was using an oldschool blackberry leather case (the one with the flap with a magnet). We all use the new ones of those. We gave her a new case. Hasn’t had a white screen in weeks. Baffled. Also, keep in mind that it would white screen at times, when NOT in the case.

    Only thing I can think is the old blackberry cases had stronger magnets in them, and that may have caused the issue.

    Either way, weeks have gone by without issue, and after replacing the phone, sim card, apps/files, it turns out it was fixed by using a different carrying case. O.o

  85. Bought mine today, got it home linked it to the computer, followed the onscreen instructions, got a message on iPhone saying “Activated” and I had an option to dismiss. Then I was welcomed by a fuzzy/distorted screen followed by a continuous white screen, left it for a few mins to see if it would go off, didnt. So I held the off button, it went off, now i cant get it on. Master reset wont work, plugging it in to charge doesnt work, and syncing doesnt work, just a turned off phone. Im in UK and got it from O2, will be taking it back tomorrow -.-

  86. Just wanted to chime in too. About 4 days ago my new (1 month old) iPhone got stuck on the Favorite Contacts page. After some random pressing of the home button and sleep button I got a black screen that wouldn’t go away. Somehow, after 10 minutes, the phone came back on, no problems. This evening, same Favorite Contacts freeze, then the White Screen that wouldn’t go away, no matter what I did. Button pressing, plugging into power, plugging into desktop computer – no dice. Am currently restoring from iTunes, but only to get it working in the short term. My plan is to march into the O2 store (I live in London, UK) and demand a new phone immediately. Immediately. Immediately. This reminds me of the giant run of glitchy iPod minis that came out in 2004 (or 2003? somewhere around there anyway). It really, really bums me out because I was – am still – so in love with my iPhone. I feel betrayed. The bitch.

  87. And following up…

    Having just done the restore of the iPhone, and then restore from the back up, it’s back to working okay. Although now I’m panicky about when it’s going to happen again. I’m assuming O2 will replace it, without me having to pitch some horrible fit. Anybody have any experience replacing iPhones in the UK?

  88. Hi I got a new 3g iPhone before Christmas had no problems with it until I dropped it on a pavement only about a 2 foot drop no prob before to my previous 10 years of nokias. Got the white screen of death that was constant and would not go to home screen all white after drop rang apple and they replaced the phone for a perfect new one which is a good service by them but , after 3days with this new phone I’m getting the white screen again that can return to home screen after a while . This phone has never left the house is just out of it’s padded box perfect care. I get white screen every day now about 4 or 5 times I think it’s a hardware flaw because if u slightly but pressure on the screen with a finger or slightly Twist the phonebin your had it goes back to home screen and screen of death dissapears. Only for a while though goes back to white screen maybe after an hour or so. Apple need to addresss this flaw it might be a manufacture flaw on the contacts between the phones screen and the phones circuit board I have seen problems like this before in other electronic screens as I work in electronics. I love the iphone but this is being eroded now it’s like owning an expensive unreliable Italian sportscar.

  89. I had essentially the same experience as poster #5. Here’s how it went down:

    I was navigating phone contacts when something went awry, and I found myself stuck in phone mode. The home button refused to bring me back to the home screen, instead flipping me between the various phone menu options — favorites, recents, contacts, etc.

    I tried putting the phone to sleep; but upon waking, it would return to phone mode. I had no access to the home screen whatsoever. I couldn’t restart my iPhone either. I kept fiddling with it, trying to unfreeze the system, when the screen suddenly went totally white! It was late and I was exhausted, so I just left the phone jammed in this useless white screen mode all night long.

    The next morning, upon waking, I googled the problem, found this page, and followed the advice provided. First, I attempted a hard restart — holding home and sleep buttons down simultaneously for 10 seconds as suggested. It didn’t work for me after several attempts, but I kept at it for a while. Finally, I got the white screen to go away and the apple prompt to appear against the black background, but the phone would not reboot from there.

    I kept at it. I held down home/sleep for ten seconds, over and over and over, making the apple logo appear and disappear many, MANY times. Still no reboot.

    I then connected the adapter to my computer, and kept at some more. It took a good fifteen minutes of bring tethered to my PC for iTunes to finally recognize my iPhone. Then, out of the blue, something happened — I don’t know what — as spontaneous as the onset of the problem. The phone just suddenly reset, sync up, and everything worked fine again.

    Talk about reliability! I’ve never had a cellular phone or PDA experience such random, unprovoked, complete and utter failure. The iPhone isn’t just a pretty toy to me — I am a professional, and I have come to rely on my PDA for work. This stupid problem threatened to shut down my operation. It is totally unacceptable behavior in a device that fancies itself ahead of its time.

  90. It may be that the sensor needs to be cleaned, at the top of the screen. This senses when the phone is near your ear–the screen is supposed to black, to avoid your ear touching the mute or keypad buttons. Then the phone is supposed to go back to a regular screen when it senses the phone is away from your ear. My phone was doing the reverse of what it was supposed to: keeping the screen on when it was next to my ear, and then going black when it was away from my ear. I had trouble when I was talking to people, all of a sudden they couldn’t ear me because I had touched the mute button with my ear, or we would hear beeps when my ear would touch a number on the keypad–not supposed to be that way.

  91. All,

    Thank God for this site! The tips helped me out on the first 4 tries. Thanks everyone! I count myself as lucky. Let’s see how long the joy lasts ;).

    Apple should not sleep on this problem since. This stupid glitch left me in middle of an important call from my job.

    If I would have researched the glitches this phone has I would not have bought one. Apple should get this fixed ASAP since they have not got bad publicity yet and sales could rocket to the floor.

    Funny thing is Apple is getting like Microsoft, the users have to endure shoddy programming with no cheap way out.

  92. I had the same problem, but with the IPod Touch, not the IPhone. I was just playing one of the apps game and went back to the home screen to check my email. It was completely frozen so I tried to turn it off and then I received the white screen of death.

    I search all over Apple’s website with no luck and googled it. I got very frustrated so I just did the restore through itunes, totally wiped every song, picture, and app I had on it. After starting the restore process I found this and will definitely try #5 out before doing the restore again!

  93. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! To everyone that had this problem I followed #5 and it worked! I’m glad I got this site fist when I was trying to figure out what happened! In my case my son was playing with it and when I caught him it was at the white screen. I freaked out!!! but it’s ok now. Thanks again! 🙂

  94. I am on my second I phone and the same problem again has happened with the replacement iphone. thanks for this website. I am taking mine back in tomorrow to my local apple shop in melbourne australia. thanks for your advice page really has helped

  95. I just experienced the white screen of death on a new 16gig 3G phone that I purchased from att less than 2 weeks ago. Even though there was clearly a major defect in the phone which rendered it inoperable, att tried to charge me a 10 percent restock fee before they would give me a replacement. Att has horrible customer service. I switched to verizon and bought the blackberry storm.

  96. I’m at Best Buy when I grab my phone to check my calls, got to the missed call but couldn’t go back to home screen. I try again by pressing the home button when i goes white. I’ve had my phone for about five months now so I knew I could not take it back to get a new one. So i found this forum and it was a godsend. Thank you for posting this useful information. I tried what #5 suggested and now my phone is back to normal. Thanks again.

  97. ah same thing here

    mine happened on the tram after school bout 3:30
    i tried holding down the buttons but it kept taking pics :S

    so i left it at home and went to work

    came home at 9:30
    plugged it into itunes

    researched a bit
    tried holding again and bingo
    bobs ur uncle

    scary though….

  98. My iphone got hit by our fan. but the fan doesnt go fast at all but then it hit the ground i guess that did it. But theres no crack our scratch visible on the screen. There is a white screen with black lines, the black lines go away sometimes though. It still vibrates when people txt me. And when people call me i remember you slide at the bottom and i can do that and answer the phone still. I’ve already tryed to reset by clicking the home buttin and off button. I’ve installed the latest version of software off my computer and it said it downloaded to my ipod i tried all that. Please if someone has anything that i can do please tell me.

  99. hey i fell asleep with my iphone’s battery dead and the next day when i went to plug it in it had a white screen ive tried everything even hard reboot etc.but nothing will get it to reboot and i have no idea whats going on any help would be great

  100. same happend with my iphone half hour ago i can see only white screen i hold home and power key for 10 seconds after that i got apple logo on screen of my iphone and it got back on track. but im still worried why it happend.

  101. OK, I have experienced the dreaded WSOD as well. Twice now. Each time it has taken me over an hour to get rid of it. Several combinations of holding the home button and the sleep button both together and simultaneously as well as letting it just stay on the WSOD for awhile seemed to do the trick. However the first time I had an Apple Store tech work on it and she almost gave it up for dead before miraculously it seemed to come back after one of the miracle combinations worked. Each time this happened to me, my iPhone, on its own, decided to go to the iPod function. I could navigate all through the iPod functionality but couldn’t get out of it. Then WSOD. This is very annoying and troublesome given the cost of iPhone and monthly service.

  102. Thanks to all for posting on this site. My phone is only a week old and this morning, while checking e-mail, got the white screen. I tried the holding both the sleep and home button for a few seconds and while holding them simultaneously, the apple came on. YEAH

    I agree with all that this is a rough problem. Hope they can fix it for sure! Thanks again.

  103. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. I ahd the same problem. Nothing was responding to the white screen and I ahd never heard of the Hard Reset. I hard reseted it and voila, It was fixed :~) only for this forum I would not have known how to hard reset it :*

  104. I’ve had my iPhone 3G since my birthday in early December. I haven’t had any problems with it. Today, getting into my car, I dropped it about 3 feet. I had a plastic case on it and it landed with the screen facing up. The screen was ok for about 30 seconds and then the blank white screen came up. I tried turning it off, but it wouldn’t. I tried calling it and everything rings and vibrates normally. I tried the hard reset and it isn’t working for me. I also tried connecting to itunes and reseting it. That hasn’t worked either. Can anyone help me?

  105. New iphone – only had 2 days
    Version: 2.2.1 Model: MB702LL

    I was in my contacts list when my phone locked up and then went to the White Screen. It was bed time and my battery was low so the phone was dead by morning. I plugged it into the computer in the morning to charge and it was fine. Thanks for all the posts b/c I will try your fixes next time it happens. I just hope it does not happen often.

  106. Guys guess…It happened to my i-phone just 15 min ago. Battery was low so I put it to charge and when I checked it the screen was white. Thanks to post #5 I managed to resolve the problem, but I hope apple will come with an answer to this issue.

  107. Hi all,

    Ditto same problem that Neal R faced (above number 82). Its the Contacts Favorite Screen! If the iphone gets stuck here, pressing a random combination of sleep and home buttons gets to the White screen of death! Caution!!

    Then, I plugged iphone into my computer. It synced well. Then held the sleep and home buttons for 10-12 seconds while it was still plugged into the itunes. This got me to the apple logo and I knew my iphone was back to normal!!

    Hope it does not happen again.

  108. My iphone is 10 days old and I was browing internet on it and all of a sudden I was getting contacts, voice mail screen and unable to browse back to home screen. I tried pressing reboot, home button and all I saw was white sceen of death. I tried to see if it was capable of receiving phone calls and when I tried calling it through my home number it just vibrated on the phone but no ring tones can be heard out of it. I had to slide the left to right arrow manually to be able to speak and it was not a comfortable feeling. I saw this web page and all I did was press power off button and home button simultaneously for 10-15 seconds and then apple symbol came up for 10-20 seconds. Looks like when you press both buttons for a long time then it does a hard reboot and every thing is working fine after this. Thanks guys for sharing your experiences.

  109. Thank you #5 so so much experienced white screen and was gutted.had the phone a week!!!plus it was a present and i couldnt tell the person i has broken the phone.even tho I did nothing.thanks for your help i pressed th etwo buttons together and it worked!!!thanks again

  110. I and the same problem put my ear phone jack in and the white screen of death, not responding to any thing tried the 10 secondtrick I will hard reset later to be sure and may be computer sync.
    thanks guys

  111. Hi Guys
    I had a problem with my old iphone that I had given to my son. It wasn’t picking up wifi. took it in to the genius bar and they said I needed a new one as it couldn’t be fixed. The phone was just out of warranty so I had to cough up £139. Two days later the new iphone goes white. While I was at the genius bar another person turned up complaining about this white screen syndrome. This stimulated me to look this up. I have seen many complaints about this. Screen turns white. After rebooting the iphone multicolour lines appear. I have only had the phone for two days. I am off to apple tomorrow to get this changed. i don’t want to spend another £139 for a replacement. I will also check that they are giving a new one. Hope everything goes fine. Will keep you updated.

  112. had the same problem…. white screen with black lines down half of it. hard reset did nothing. neither did restoring it. i guess i’ll take it to apple tomorrow & see if they fix/replace it…

  113. I had white screen too on my 3g iphone firmware 2.2.1. Fix it by reseting it (home button and sleep button). I was playing with clock app and it just some how stay in phone mode doesnt let you go to home. So i press sleep and i got white screen.

    and by press sleep and home button together (once, not holding them down) while in white screen i can hear iphone camera snap shot.

    hence after i reset the photo back to normal to got white screen snap shot in my camera roll library.
    Funny thing is that i also got a snap shot of my unlocking screen (the one with date, wall paper and slide to unlock tab) which i thing it quite cool.
    when you look at that picture its like you are in the unlock screen.


  114. Only have had the phone 4 weeks. Not sure if my problem is “white screen” exactly starts as white then develops horizontal black lines or black vertical lines. Sometimes the screen has colored lines and just flashes and rolls like a bad television set – I keep resetting sometimes it works but most of the time does not or it is only temporary. I can use the phone Sony about 30% of the time art his point. Just have not had time to go to the Apple store…..

  115. I just had the white screen about 20 minuits ago..i restored it to factory settings, and then backed all my stuff back on to it and it seems to be working fine now. But if you ask me its pathetic how they cant explain it.

  116. Just has this happen to me.. on the way home from school and as i was walking i was trying all different button combinations.. forgot about the ‘hard reset’ though.. seems alright now but i couldnt find anything bout this on the apple site and in the information books.. little disappointing to say the least.

  117. I had this problem for the first time today. There are two solutions

    A. the easiest do what they call a “hard reset” which is where you hold the top button and the home button down at the same time for 10 secs. It will turn off your phone. Just press the top button again and you’ll see the little apple

    Video showing how to reset.

    If it doesnt work. I use to have a similar problem with my ipod.

    B. Just let the battery completely drain and then plug it in and it should work fine.

  118. #5 Vero’s got it down. I have owned my Iphone since January. I have just recieved my first white screen of Death this morning and wasn’t pleased at all. I have read all the comments just about and tried everything as well. But veros got the right process. I held the home button, and the sleep buttom for about 10 seconds and the apple logo appeared and now works fine. Thank you.

  119. this happend 2 me twice i uselly wait till my battery dies out then it turns back on but i tried holding the home button and the top button for 10 seconds like 50 times it doesnt work anybody have anymore ideas ???

  120. My phone also got stuck on the Favorites/Phone screens and I could only scroll through the phone functions. After messing around with it and pushing both the sleep and home buttons, it went to the White Screen Of Death (WSOD). Googled “White screen” while on hold with At&t and fixed it before they picked up, thanks to this blog. Also found a picture of the unlock screen and a picture of a white screen in my pictures.

    My personal theory on what causes this is a build-up of static electricity. I’m going to try turning off my phone (rather than just letting it sleep) once every few days to see if this helps the problem.

    I hope it doesn’t happen again because the twelve hours I spent without my phone were TERRIBLE, indeed.

  121. same over here with an iphone 3g 8gb, was working for three weeks smoothly. funnily before the WSOD (white screen of death :o)) it got stuck on the pin code pane not accepting any inputs, i’m happy i didn’t have to do an emergency call! after hard reset everything seems fine again. so when does apple fix this issue?!

  122. F this sheit
    These iPhone issues are everywhere
    Don’t get yours wet because it sets off the sensor and you rwarranty is going to be voided automatically. I took it to replace the LCD already .($100) and now this whitescren after sleep issue. This really does suck majorly for a company that I always supported ..now I’m quite thoroughly disappinted.

  123. HEy – my iPhone went blank – resetting didnt work, restoring didnt’t work and neither did sweet talk. The screen would change colour depending on nothing.

    O2 (UK carrier) said it would take 5 weeks to repair so took it back to apple and they replaced it IMMEDIATELY. That is 1st class customer service (although unreliable technology!) that they get repeat clients from, pat on the back to them.

  124. Had the exact problem as #100. Found that my wife left my phone on the contact page and it did not auto sleep. So I hit the sleep button and it goes off. Then I take a shower and after when I get an idea to search Google… I’m stuck at the pin screen. First it takes the pin number but does not advance to the home screen. Just makes the clicking sounds whenever I tap a number. Then after a few sleep button pushes, it no longer shows and input for the pin, just makes the clicks. Then I came upon this page and and learned about the hard reset and well the rest is history. My iphone is working now but I’m afraid for how long?

    A side not about the reset though: When you get a apple screen… mine was a black screen with a apple logo on it, I believe that is the reset screen. Maybe we were suppose to let it load, like an operating system. I noticed that on mine, it kept showing that black apple screen and I would immediately do another hard reset. My last reset, I left it on longer than normal after the apple logo screen because something came up and I put my iphone down. When I came back, it was back to normal working order again. I dunno but its just a thought. If I get the white screen again, I’m gonna try to do it till the apple screen comes up then leave it be to see if I am correct.

  125. i had the same problem 1st it froze so i tried to put in spleep mode but it wouldnt respond but then a few mins later it went dark so i tried to “slide to unlock” then i put in pass code but it wouldnt work then it just went white and all i could do was put it into sleep and vi-sa vir-sa and i couldnt even turn it off
    but the i restarted it (hold home&sleep button 10 secs) and it works fine now

  126. Same problem, the white screen of death. Mine doesn’t have any lines just a completely blank white screen. Have tried numerous hard resets but nothing is working. As I hold sleep and home buttons down the screen flashes between white and black screens. I can play around on the blank white screen and I am getting keyboard noises but nothing else. This is my only phone I can’t even phone support or anyone. Not impressed at all.

    Oh, my phone is about 4 months old.

  127. Greetings from Anchorage, Alaska:

    Same issue – I just got the white screen of death about 45 minutes ago – I am happy to see I’m not alone, but sorry to see it happened to other people. Hang in there as there is always a fix for everything…

  128. just got the white screen of death. screen went white.. Tryed many times to sync or hard reboot and failed. Finally a hard reboot worked..All is good for now. Not to happy, Hope no more problems…Im glad I have a squaretrade warranty just in case.

  129. glad i found this as “white screen of death” is not addressed in user manual. all your tips n trix did the… err… trick! (especially the “patience” part, i was about to throw it out the window!) thanks!

  130. Me Too, Iphone 3G 16 gig. White.

    Get White Screen, got to reset and it takes pictures.

    Odd thing is no loggs of the issue.

    I do see a reset log though.

    I could get the volume and vibrate controls to appear if toggled though the rest of the screen was blank.

    Adding some Tags: iphone 3g 16 gig freezes with white screen and takes pictures of phone screen

  131. thanks for your report!!!
    I had this morning the black screen problem, I have service with ATT and always (90% of the time) my calls dropped…. is is my service or phone?

  132. Thanks to all for posting on this– I just experienced my first White Screen of Death and was saved by a quick internet search that pulled up this blog. Hoping it won’t happen again. I’ve had mine since Christmas.
    Is there any word on increasing the reliability at AT&T? I’m getting the same dropped call thing as Poster 8– and live I in Chicago so thought the network would be pretty good. If I didn’t love the phone so much I’d go back to Sprint– they’re much more reliable!

  133. This same thing happened to me – I brought it to the Apple store and they said they could not fix it but could get me a new one for $500!! The phone is not even 1 year old!! The guy was really not helpful at all and I will not pay that. I’m going to get a second opinion because as far as I’m concerned, if they can’t fix it they should give me a new one and honor the warranty!

    Not very happy with AT&T or Apple. I also switched from Verizon where I had ZERO problems! Bad move!

  134. thank you thank you, this blog saved my iphone as well. M just wondering wether this problem will keep on persisting. it really is stressful. but once again thank you all

  135. Thanks to all you guys… I too had the white screen on my 3G 8MB AT&T black Iphone. I am currently in India and could not find an Apple store. But, the hard reset worked fine for me.


  136. Thank heavens for the internet and this blog posting! I’ve had slow screen responses for a few days but thought it was just memory space, or the turning on and off a lot as I travel alot.

    I’m not in FL for business and was driving in a monsoon and looked down to see the white screen. Of course, the first thing you think is “oh crap, that can’t be good.” Upon finally getting access to the internet in my hotel room I found this blog.

    After doing 7 hard resets and plugging into iTunes it is now working again. I spend 75% of my time on business travel and can’t afford to have my phone die on the road…headed to my local Apple store this weekend.

    Thanks again for all the posts!

  137. My iphone went white while I was in Vegas receiving a call from out of the area. Kept having to reboot but kept going white after working for a short time. Returned to LA (home) and all is now working fine. I had taken another trip to Vegas 2 months prior and had no problems on the 1st trip……..very strange.

  138. Hi everyone,

    I had this problem up to 3 times a day, only my story gets a little strange. After having the white screen, I can use the home and power button to finally turn on my phone. One day this happened, and I decided to look through my pictures. This is where things get strange- I will have a screenshot of my favorite numbers page, followed by 3-5 white blank screen screenshots. I took my phone to the Apple store, where they told me I probably had a “defective part” and gave me a new phone (maybe refurbished, who knows). Now I am having the same problems with my new phone. I’m going to go to the Apple Store tomorrow and try to get to the bottom of this- this maye be another case of Apple using cheaper parts for more recent batches of products, similar to the white MacBook crack problem. My sister and mom both have iPhones, but have never experienced this problem, and they got theirs about 6 months before I did.

  139. I purchased my Iphone in January 2009 and have had a few problems with it locking up. Today for the first time I received the white screen. I checked the web for similar problems and found this site. I tried using the home and power button a few times and finally got back to the menu. I also checked my photos and found pictures of my screen saver??? I’ll keep monitoring and hope this is a problem that’s been resolved.

    Thanks to all for troubleshooting tips!

  140. I just had my phone replaced because I was one of the three people in the world whose iPhone spontaneously CAUGHT FIRE. I did the “stuck on favorites screen” thing and then after multiple attempts with the home/sleep button, I got it back, but had the odd photo of my favorites screen ther as well.

    i hope I dont have to go abck tothe Apple store, there was a creepy guy there when I went to get my replacemnment-from-the-fire phone and he was harassing me so much the (Stepfordesque robotic) staff had to call the police!

    My iphone has bad vibes.

  141. My friend Morgan is loveing her phone but the stupid thing wont come off the white screen and when we restart it it goes black and then back to white

  142. my 2g is unlocked, and i just had the same prob you describe in your blog. but when i plugged into itunes it went apple logo for about 15 sec then went black. i pushed the home button and it came up as if it were simply locked and black-screened. now its normal. just thought i would throw the info out incase it helps ANYONE..

    thanks for your time with the blog

  143. my iphone went white too! Ana (I/ME in Arabic) was so confused and don’t know what to do..

    after reading this web, ana push both buttons for 10 seconds and everything is now cool..

    you all rock

  144. Well I was worried about my iphone to. I got it aprox. a year ago and recently had the white screen issue. Sometimes it just became whit. After switching of the screen and wait for a few minutes it was ok but then using it the white screen came back again. So I learned here what to do. Thanks. (It seems a software issue not a hardware issue)

  145. My has had her 16g iphone for 4 months. First the numbers would not respond when she tried to type in her pass code. Then we did a restart, same thing we could still call her but locked up again. Then we did several hard restarts. Then we gort the WHITE SCREEN…. Tried another hard restart, and got the WHITE SCREEN with a Bell on it. Tried again, now just the WHITE SCREEN.

    Plan on calling Apple. What Crap.

  146. I had the white screen problem, i pressed the home button and the off button and it came back to life, thank you soooo much!:) thought it was a gonner!

  147. Hi all !
    I’ve just had my first white screen on a 3 day old Iphone 3G ‘S’ 32Gb. Unfortunately apple has experienced these hardware problems before, I suspect are using cheap foreign production facilities with little quality control and few properly trained operatives to produce the phones. The problem is due in part to modern solders which no longer contain lead. It is critical that the the printed circuit boards are heated up and cooled down at the correct rates to stop shrinkage and cracking of the solder joints later in the devices life. Apple should know better as they had the same problem with 3G Ibook computers, the graphics chips literally crack off the board. Unfortunately the only reliable cure is replacing the circuit board. This is not something that should be done at home with any electronics as most devices are static sensitive, touching the board will almost certainly cause damage which will cause more failures and problems in the future. Mobile devices which are exposed to temperature changes and vibration are often affected. I have previously had 3 different HTC windows mobiles with no problems (apart from windows) for 3.5 years without any problems………. kinda tells a story doesn’t it ?
    Get on the naughty step Apple.

  148. I had the same problem with my 2nd Gen and got it replaced, when I took it to the Genius Bar they said that it might be a software and/or hardware issue. I did the RESTORE and BACKUP already prior to going into Apple store and I was able to exchange it.

    But, now I updated it to the 3GS and after a week it started doing the WHITE SCREEN OF DEATH and did the same thing, BACKUP and RESTORE and it is still doing it. I have an appointment on Sat. to replace it since all their appointment are booked up for Fri. we’ll see what happens, may be they will just replace it again no questions asked.

  149. This happened to me. I bought the phone on 24 Jun 09, 5 days ago – iphone 3GS.

    My phone had 50% charge but the apple screen flashed for a sec followed by the dreadful while screen.

    Holding the home button and reset button for about 2 times – 10 seconds each fixed it, I hope at least for now.

    During the white screen mode my iTune recognized the phone and even sync-ed up with my iphone. I was even able to browse my pictures.

  150. I bought my iPhone 3GS 8 days ago and just today I experienced the “White Screen of Death” I was browsing the web when the power in my battery went dead and phone turned off. So then I plugged in my charger and immediately tried to turn on the pkone so that I could continue browsing the web… only to have the phone come on with this damn white screen displaying. I couldn’t turn it off or anything… I didn’t know what to do. Well my phone was ringing from people calling it.. but I was unable to answer it the first few times because the damn screen was all white and I had no idea how to navigate with it in this state. After feeling with my fingers around the touch screen I was able to unlock it based on the sound it made… (I am assuming) lol and was able to answer some of my calls but it was kinda tricky to do so. Needless to say I was very pissed off and figured I’d have to go back to the AT&T store to get it replaced. Well anyways I searched GOOGLE to see if I could find out anything about this white screen of death and came across this site.

    I held down the power button along with the Home button for 10 seconds and it worked…. my phone went back to normal. Lucky I found this site and was able to do the steps that so many of you suggested because I was getting ready to throw this phone against the wall out of anger. hahahah

  151. I had the same thing happen with the white screen. I’ve had my iphone for about 6 months with NO issues at all. i’ve been extremely satisfied with it. Then all of a sudden today the white screen. I held the Power button and Home button down together for about 10 seconds and got the apple screen, but just sat there. I had to do this 3 times then it came back to my normal screen. I hope this is a one time issue. Thanks for the posts to get me through it guys.


  152. OMG!

    I woke up to find my phone frozen to a phonecall screen, then I got the White Screen. I freaked out and spent 30 mins trying to figure out what was the matter.

    I dont have a warranty on the phone since I bought it off-of someone. I quickly went online and found this site pop up on google. I read the lengthy response and wondered how can someone write with so much detail about the technical problem…mentioning states and cities as well. haha.

    Then I did the 10 second reset and I WAS SAVED! It restarted within 5 mins and is working normal now. I jus thope it doesnt happen again! Or else I will cry! =/



  153. OMG!

    I woke up to find my phone frozen to a phonecall screen, then I got the White Screen. I freaked out and spent 30 mins trying to figure out what was the matter.

    I dont have a warranty on the phone since I bought it off-of someone. I quickly went online and found this site pop up on google. I read the lengthy response and wondered how can someone write with so much detail about the technical problem…mentioning states and cities as well. haha.

    Then I did the 10 second reset and I WAS SAVED! It restarted within 5 mins and is working normal now. I jus thope it doesnt happen again! Or else I will cry! =/



  154. Brian-
    I had the EXACT same thing happen to me!! I haven’t even had the phone a week and a half yet! The battery got low, the “white screen of death” appeared, and nothing I did would make it go away! I couldn’t turn the phone off- the only thing it would do is go back and forth between the ‘white screen of death’ and a back-lit ‘black screen of death’- those were my options! I kept hearing my phone ring, but couldn’t answer the calls (trust me, I tried)! And I could only make calls using the voice controls (which so conveniently still functioned)! Plus, when I was done with the call, I couldn’t figure out how to “end” the call… I just kept pressing around on the screen and then gave up.
    I was ready to march back into the AT&T store after work today and tell ’em how I felt about them, until I found this site!
    I tried holding down both the home and reset buttons for 10 seconds, and BAM! (like Emeril) my phone was back to normal- as if nothing ever happened! Believe me, I’m thrilled that this worked, but I think my phone doesn’t realize I’m still holding a bit of a grudge. 😉

  155. Thanks Rob for starting this site, I didn’t realize that this site is over a year old until I finished fixing my Iphone. I I held down the power button along with the Home button for 10 seconds and it worked my phone went back to normal after a sync with ITunes. The power of technology, how in a matter of minutes the issue can be resolved without cursing out any Apple or AT&T representatives, LOL.

  156. OMG THE WHITE SCREEN OF DEATH! I almost had a heart attack when my 3 week old $800.00 16 gb 3g S iphone got the screen about 10 minutes ago. Before it said i had 10% battery power left so i plugged it into my wall with the plug thing. The charging sign came on and then BOOM! the white screen. I freaked and waited a little while to see if it would go away but it didnt so i plugged it into my computer to see if that would make a difference. itunes came up and synced my iphone and stuff but THE WHITE WAS STILL THERE. So I googled frantically and found this site and BOOM white screen gone and it shows its charging ^.^ I hope this doesnt happen again and I am never going to wait until my iphone shows 10% battery power left to charge it up. I would seriously die if my iphone broke and damn my mom would be mad. So my iphone is working now but im leavin it to charge and rest. since I have been on it for like 10 hours every day for the past 3 weeks. ahhh im so relieved

  157. That did it thanks! – occurred when power level had gone below 20% – weird OS bug – could hear it getting txt messages…

  158. It just happened to me less then 25 minutes ago while sending a text message and listening to music. I’m currently backing up my phone.. But after doing the 10 second reset 20, 10, and 5 minutes it is still not working.. :/ And my mother still isn’t answering her phone so I can’t find out my iPhones fate..

  159. i had the same problem to all of u guys and thanks to this site i was able to resolved the problem of my iphone..i’ve tried also holding sleep and home button for 10 secs. and it resolved the problem..wish i would not encounter any problem with my iphone..(i’ve just love it)…

  160. Thank you very much Brian, you saved my life. I am using iPhone 3GS 16GB Black phone. and this is my first time having the white screen.

    I was browsing the internet and the battery run out. so I pluged in the USB cable and after 10 mins of chargining all I CAN SEE is a white screen. I was so afraid, because first of all I DON’T have insurance and the phone is very expensive here in the UK.

    Thanks for google search and to this awsome blog.

    and thank you very much Brian @ 127 for the great tip

    I fixed this by holding together the reset button and the home button for 10 seconds.

  161. Same Problem

    Looks like a trip to the apple store tommorow!! I have only had my Iphone for 4 days and have been very carefull not to upset it or bump it yet simply turning it off and attempting to revive it appears to have serious implications including hardware explosion.

    This is a situation where the IT axiom turn it off and on again seems to be the wrong approach.

  162. I just had the same issue with my new 3GS iPhone. I could not figure it out, I had teh whte screen the entire day, did so many resets and finally it got back to normal on its own. I did not do the both buttons at the same time. I held the power down button for a minute or so, then when no response, I held the home button down for a minutes..did this many times..I guess this was it and all the sudden it cam back, like it was taking so ling to reboot. What a shame that this issue should have been fixed with the 3.0 OS and new 3GS Hardware, I guess they did not.

  163. Hi from the UK here, a month ago I got the iphone 3G (the new edtion- 3G S happened to come out at the same time) and it had been working fine for me.

    All of a sudden this evening, I went to check my phone and it came up with this white screen with a couple of vertical balck lines on the right hand side.

    I did what everyone was saying on here to do- holding sleep button and home button at the same time but nothng happened and I did this a few times.

    I then restored factory settings on itunes and still nothing happened.

    If I take it to my local Apple store (Regents Street) will they replace it immediately or will they say its my problem now the latest edition is out?

    Does anyone else have advice on what I should do. I cannot afford to buy a new phone.

  164. Thanks Rob for starting this site. I’ve had my iPhone 3GS for about month now. Well today I decided to let the battery level drain down and then I was planning on getting a full charge. It finally made it to 2% then I received a telephone call. The call dropped. And this is when my iPhone displayed the WHITE SCREEN OF DEATH. I didn’t really panic I just sat it on the charger thinking that it would eventually reboot. Well to my knowledge it didn’t. I then decided to try syncing it to no avail.. Still White Screen. The only thing I realized at this point was that pressing the Sleep button only change the screen from (white) to (black). The I search google and found your site. I just started (LMAO) low and behold once again I am not alone in this world. Thank you Thank you Thank you all…

  165. Had my new iphone 3GS for about a month and just got the white screen of death. After owning a MacBook Pro, which I cursed fairly frequently for everything that was wrong with it… I still went ahead and bought the iphone.
    I have to say, googling white screen of death and finding these posts, saved me from doing a serious bitch out at the Apple store. Holding both buttons for 10 seconds worked, but we all shouldn’t be experiencing this on new phones or even old phones. Apple really needs to make higher quality, not just cool looking, products.

  166. I got the new iPhone 3GS when it came out and I’ve been having problems with it freezing up, etc. But only today did I ever get the white screen o’ death. It happened when I plugged it up to the wall outlet and then just let it sit for a little while. I came back and when I hit the home button all I saw was a white screen. I started freaking out trying to push every button, tap the screen, anything. I actually tapped the screen in a way that my iPod on the iPhone started playing, but it was still just a white screen which was seriously frustrating. I am going out of town for a week, but I will be taking my phone to the company to see what they can do about it.
    Thanks so much for this site though, or I would still be freaking out!

  167. Wow I can’t believe it. Saved up forever to get the iphone 3g. Had it 3 weeks and got the white screen. I also tried post #5 and it worked. Thank you so much. I will be contacting AT&T to document this issue so that if it continues I have a record of it. I hate to get stuck with it in the end if it totally fails. What a bummer because I love this phone and was dissapointed to hear it is a common problem. Good Luck

  168. I have the same problem. definetely related to heat. when device gets warm from outside, or inside problem occurs. put it in fridge for 10 mins and works fine again, for 10 mins…

  169. Thanks Rob. My battery was going dead (2 week old 3Gs) at bedtime. As I plugged it into the charger it gave me the white screen. I went to bed thinking that I would have to set up an appointment with the “concierge” at my local store to see the local “genius”. (I don’t know why I can’t just walk in and get service.) Woke up, googled the issue, and your page was the first one up. Read a few posts, hit the power button and hold button for 10 seconds, and was back in business. Thanks again!

  170. This just happened to me on my 3G S. It was down to 10% battery life, I hooked it up to a computer via USB to get charged, turned off my iPhone for quicker charge and it went white when I checked it in the morning.

    Pressed the off button and home button for 10s and it rebooted to normal; all settings/info intact.

  171. Had my phone for 8 days white screen of death did everything only started working when i plugged it into my computer. Should i get it replaced or should i wait to see if it happens again??

  172. hi there..mine is 3G 8GB..and i experiencing the white screen “mode” just 30 minutes ago..i dunno what happen to my iphone,it just 1 month old..
    i try to switch off the phone,it still works,coz i hear the “click” voice,but i can’t see anything.when i found this blog,i try to do as Rob say,i try to press the switch on/off button together wif the home button..but,nothing happen..i can’t see the apple sign,n still white screen.then i decided to plug in into my PC..it can recognize my iphone,but after restore it to original settings,it still the same..
    i dunno what should i do know,i’m goin to take my iphone to the apple store,hopefully got the replacement for it..

  173. Same white screen here. I’ve had the 3gs since June and had the white screen on two occasions in the past two weeks. Couldn’t do anything but go back and forth between a white and black screen. Voice activated commands still functioned properly, though couldn’t turn off music or end calls. The phone eventually reset itself both times…wish I had seen this earlier. We will see if it helps if this happens again. Apple should do something to correct this. It seems the pattern in the postings (with regard to the new 3gs) that the white screen appears after letting the battery drain almost completely…

  174. listen i have been dealing with this issue since late april ok i purchased the phone on april 11th and not even two and half weeks later i go to pull my phone out of my pocket to answer a phone call and there it is the F*&k&%* white screen i was so pissed cuz for some reason i could here the people calling me but i couldnt pik the phone up so i called the att customer service and me and an iphone specialist go over resetting it nothing is happening ok so i make an appointment to go into the apple store so i go into the apple store and this snobby ass kid tells me im sorry i cant helpyou we can not do anything about ur fone is there anything else we can help you with so if anyone knows anything more about wat i can do please help i have tried everything for the past 4 months trying to get this damn fone fixed and when i say everything i mean everything thakns guys

  175. I just had the same problem caused by an incoming phone call while something was installing. Followed the steps here which seemed to work, except now my app icons have all switched around. I have doodle jump for stanza, icraig for pocket god – etc. tried removing and reinstalling the apps, but the wrong icons come back. im stumped.

  176. I spoke to AT&T customer service- she had me hold down both buttons until the apple appeared- it then worked… AT&T now offers a “warranty” for these phones. I bought my phone at best buy & got their geek squad warranty- but AT&t’s is only $69…

  177. I purchased an iphone 3gs on June 26th and have been SUPER careful with it (no drops or water etc.) last night I was texting and my battery started to get low as I plugged it into the cord the screen went white and wouldn’t respond. I could see that itunes recognized it and was charging so I left it alone for 45 minutes or so. It was about 75% charged but I still couldn’t get the white screen to go away. I attempted the hard reset but nothing happened. I wasn’t sure what to do so I tried the restore through itunes. The process looked like it was working but then at the end I got an error msg and now the phone won’t respond at all. I’m off to best buy where I bought the phone at lunch to get a new one. I have the warranty so I’m hoping this will go smoothly! Has this happened to anyone else?

  178. I had the white screen of death today.

    I tried holding the Sleep and Home buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds. And then the Home button by itself.

    Problem fixed so far.

  179. I had my iPhone 3Gs for 3 weeks and I am so happy with it until I had a blank screen. Thanks that this site exists and it solved my problem by pressing both Sleep and Home buttons for 10 seconds. I am a happy bunny now!

  180. same problem here…my battery was drained so i charged it.. after 1 hour i turned it on and it just showed white screen then it turned gray..i pressed the sleep button and hold it but no good so i checked online and luckily i saw this site..i tried the workaround which is simultaneous holding of sleep and home button and it worked..wew!

    btw, i just got my iphone 3GS three days ago….just 3-day old and its giving me problems already, scary 🙁

  181. Aaaah! It just happened to me. I was plugging the phone in for recharging…..white screen. Thank goodness for this site. After following the steps of holding the home/sleep buttons, then plugging into the computer, I was able to get it going again.

    I’ve only had the phone 2 weeks. If it happens again, I’m headed back to AT&T. Like many of you, I switched from another company for the convenience of the iphone. Scary to have problems so soon!

  182. Same thing, tried holding down home and sleep buttons….went through this about 5 times and then it cam back on. Whew!

    Did this while also plugged into itunes….

    so far so good. One interesting thing…one of my free aps is missing….second time this happened– Lose It!

    I wish I could lose the weight that fast!

  183. Apple are not being up front about this issue, that is becoming apparent.
    I regularly get the white screen (3G) …BUT:

    It’s when the ambient temperature goes up. Thats all it takes. I put it in the fridge for 5 minutes, or in front of the aircon in the car for 10. Its fine.

    Restarting will just take it back to a white screen.
    So I think it is Deffinately hardware. Not software.
    Too late to take my phone back I think.

    I live in Australia. This issue means I can’t take the phone out anywhere warm. Like outside. Or put it in my pocket.

    It seems to be the typical Apple release of hardware now (since the origional iPod battery issue).

  184. Hi. I am from Iran. I bought a 3GS 32GB a few days ago and after a few hours working, it dropped into the WSOD. First I didn’t know what the hell it was and I googled and just became happy that I’m not alone. I tried all the possible methods for lots of times (like holding Sleep + Home simoltaneously for 10 second), but all I could see was just a white screen sometimes turns into black. I could find a way to see the picture, but just a temporary way. When I was plugging it into the PC or outlet and the battery was passing the 90%, everything was fine, but by pressing Sleep or Autolock, all world was white again. So I had to charge it again. The bad point was that all American goods are not legal! in here and so we don’t have a real Apple Shop, so I had do sent it to some other countries. I went to the shop which I bought It and they fixed It for me! But they didn’t tell me about their trick. All I could understand was that It’s not related to software, be sure about that. It took him less than a min to fix and I think It was something about Electric Shock or smth. And he advised me when you’re charging, don’t use It, It would get Warm!
    It was my experience. I hope It’ll be Useful.

  185. Just experienced the WOSD. For the first time the phone had drained down to the point it was forced to turn off. I’d just plugged it in after it sitting overnight like that. The screen showed me the battery, with just a hint of red, to show it was charging but very, very low. It was displayed in iTunes just fine. A little while later when I went back to it and white screen. Pushing the home button or the power button (not both at the same time) seemed to cause the right behavior based on how the white screen dimmed/undimmed and beeped.

    Solution: Hold down the home and power button, wait full 10 seconds. At about 5 or 6 it went dark. When I released the buttons I got the apple logo and the phone just sat there. I waited patiently (it took a few minutes, but not 10) and it finally started again. NOTE: I had it plugged into the computer via USB the whole time, but not ‘mounted’ via iTunes. This was to make absolutely certain it had power.

    All is well now.

  186. Dan, thank you for the information. I experienced the same problem last night. The screen was still white the next AM. I followed your directions and the phone began working again.

  187. thx SOOOO MUCH 😀
    my iphone just had da white screen of death but i hard restarted it a few times then gave it sum time n it worked again ^^

  188. Hi I have the exact same problem word for word. I am returning my phone to the Apple store today for replacement.

  189. I went to the Apple store yesterday and they did a factory restore but still “white screen”. They told me it was a software problem but they couldn’t fix it. End result was they swapped out my phone with a new one.

  190. I have the white screen of death and all hard resets dont work. I have even restored the phone. At&t says they wash there hands of the device once they sell it and apple said you have water damage and your warranty is void. Now mind you I bought the phone 3 months ago. Anyone have an idea what is going on with the phone. IF so please contact me at alpha.male2002@gmail.com. Thanks

  191. THANK YOU to this blog. I had run the battery out fully (into RED <10%) before getting WSOD.

    (Like others here, it wouldn't wake by being plugged into computer, regular outlet, and I also tried letting the battery drain to completely 0 by leaving it unplugged overnight with WSOD, to no avail. (Also pushing various buttons together and apart…. but…))

    Holding HOME and POWER at the SAME time for 10 FULL SECONDS worked for me.


  192. I’ve been having the exact same problem. Immediatley prior to the WSOD I was updating 30 applications. Apple believes that the massive update screwed w/ my phone’s software. Restarting the phone didn’t accomplish much for me. I would go right back to the white screen. My fix was to remove and reinsert the simcard (on the top of the phone) then restarting the iphone.

  193. I had this same problem everyone here is describing. I’ve had a few episodes of this, getting worse every time. I tried every solution, none of them worked. Finally, I tried the solution #53 had and amazingly it worked. Try it!

    Thanks Loyal!

  194. Have had the same problem with the iphone 3 times now. Sent my iphone off to have it fixed the first time, and took it to the store personally the next 2 times. Thought a replacement of a new iphone would be the most logical thing to do, but Apple only tried to fix the phone. Not happy with Apple, and seriously discouraged with their electronics. Really Really Really hope they go bankrupt.

  195. My battery died completely, so I put it on charge. After about 30 minutes, I went to check the time and send a text message while it was still charging…that’s when I encountered the White Screen of Death! No matter what I did, the screen either stayed white or black.

    I kept charging while I googled, and luckily I found these blogs as the 10-15 second hold of the power + home buttons seemed to help. Initially, the screen changed from the WSOD to a prompt of hooking up the phone to iTunes. I then kept pressing the home + power and it eventually went to the normal screen…but the phone still seems a bit “sick”. Not happy!

    Also, I haven’t read all the posts, so sorry if I am doubling up… the reason you get a screen capture in your photos after holding down HOME + POWER is because that is actually the equivalent to the Ctrl+Print Screen function. It’s really useful sometimes if you want to capture and store a webpage with some details etc.

    So far my phone is ok, but I’m ringing Vodafone now to lodge the fault in case it happens again…I’ve lost a bit of faith in the device now. And I’ve been looking after it so much like a raw egg! 🙂

  196. This has something to do with the LCD itself. Start massaging the top portion and you should get some crazy results. Some good, some bad. Maybe a connector got shook loose, or pinched. I was able to sometimes get it working, and then massaging it will screw it back up. I don’t believe it’s a software issue. Very noticable once you get it working and then massage the top portion to the left and right of the earpiece. It will start to flicker, then goes white.

  197. Three times I have let my iPhone battery go close to dead since I’ve owned it. The first time, my SIM card fried and had to be replaced (so far, so good). The second time was uneventful, though I learnt about the unavoidable battery icon screen, even when shut off. This time, my battery power was down to 2%, though the phone still worked while plugged in to charge. Turning it off, I noticed a screen I’d seen the previous time: the battery image (with a sliver of red indicating it was near empty) stuck on with a thunderbolt icon underneath. I let the phone be and eventually came back. Pressing the sleep button to turn it on, here appeared a White Screen.

    From memory, I was able to remember where to press in order to unlock the phone, but after that, it was uncharted territory. I help the “Sleep” button, hoping I’d be able to turn the phone off again and let it charge… The White Screen dimmed, but no longer responded to anything. Reeling in my previous experience working at a cellphone support call center, I thought of the proverbial hard reset and held the Sleep and Home buttons. A few times, it was to no avail. Then I took the phone out of the Otter skin case. Huh? Suddenly, the Apple icon came on. And stayed there. I plugged in the charger once more and let it ride. About 5 minutes later, it came to life… with a battery power of 20% which soon jolted up to 25 in a matter of seconds (Man, that was fast!). Since then, okay…

    Moral of the story? If at all possible, charge your phone as soon as its battery indicator dips below 20%. Go below 10% at your own risk.

  198. I have allmost the same problem with iphone 16GB, when doing the long restart function i have red lines and white line, sometime it start for 2 hour then back to black and need to make the 10s restart mode and once again 20 attempts to have the device start without the red lines and white lines…

  199. Crap, i woke up this morning with the stupid white screen. I can actually answer phone calls but i cant see anything but the white screen. I tried everything like restore, hard reset, no luck. Sucks.

  200. Hey i have the same problem with my IPod touch 64GB 3Gen. Do you need a receipt to just get it replace for a new one or they do it for you because you were consumer. I lost my receipt and wondering they will do the same thing for me thx this is driving me insane with the reseting of my IPod. Also that how you mention of syncing it with your old files wasn’t my problem, it just happens randomly which is so strange.

  201. This just recently happened to me I left it on my computer to charge for the night but when I woke up it was dead. I tried cutting it on and it went to that white screen and then to the black screen again and again. I tried plugging into iTunes to update it to 3.1.3 since i had not done so yet and all it said was iTunes had a problem with updating your iPhone. Now the iPhone is unresponsive and does nothing (it’s off). Other words it seems as if iTunes had just “bricked” my iPhone them self. Anybody have an idea why it did this and if there is a way to fix it?

  202. I held a magnet upto mine on accident and now if i try to put it to sleep it will completly turn off. And sometimes when I get it back on the screen losses power like I turned the brightness down or something. It sucks

  203. Great string – suffered WSOD and panic! Held down the 2 buttons for 10 seconds and everything reset -phew!!!

    Many thanks for the advice.

    This was on the 32GS – only had it since March – you would have thought that as this issue appears to have been around for some time Apple would have sorted it?!!?!

  204. GEEZ!I wrote a really long reply to your article but my internet cut out and I lost it all! Oh well, just wanted to say that it was a great article! Nicely done!

  205. Omygosh I just got the iPhone yesterday and that same thing happened to me! Your article totally SAVED. MY. LIFE.

  206. I had the same problem today and I guarantee you that I never dropped water on it or anything, it has to be a software problem.

    I had to do the hard reset trick about 5 times before it came back to normal.

    Thanks guys!

  207. I’ve had my iPhone 3G for about 2 years and never had any problems until the other day.. I was greated by the White screen of death which I can’t get rid of. Holding the home button and top button for any amount of time just brings the screen from black to white, it stays White for about 2 seconds and then goes black. It then goes White again and then black. I get no apple icon and nothing else on the screen. I’ve completed a reset when conected to iTunes through my computer and the computer recognises my phone is there but I still get the same on the screen. Any help from people would be greatly appriciated.

  208. Hello there,

    Thanks so much for saving what little was left of my patience and sanity.

    I have a 3GS and experienced the near death iPhone death experience. I saw the white screen after the phone battery was totally drained and I plugged it into my computer to charge. When I had enough charge to see the Apple icon I proceeded to type and send an email. That is when the phone first went black and then when I touched the home button, I saw only white. I tried plugging it into an outlet after numerous attempts at hitting POWER but nothing helped

    I finally got rid of the screen by reading your helpful posts! Thanks to all of you who posted your solutions. I pushed on the POWER AND HOME buttons for ten seconds and the Apple screen finally appeared. I had to wait a minute and finally when I hit the home button again, the phone was again operational.

    Thanks again for taking the time to post!


  209. my iphone screen flashes the apple logo and wont work at all. but when plugged into the computer or wall everything is fine…..i found that just leaving the cord plugged into the phone alone has cured my problem.. amazing that this worked. my boyfriend suggested to just try to leave the cord in the phone and what do you know it works even though i have to keep the cord plugged in to the phone. im waiting on my new iphone so at least my phone is usable for the next few weeks.

  210. My Phone just did the white screen thing too! It has been having trouble with the plug or something all day… my car charger and my computer connection wouldn’t charge it unless I held it firmly- then it would begin charging. Tonight, the screen went completely white and would respond to nothing, except when I held down the home button, my voice control prompt came on and even started playing music! I read the above posts,and tried holding down the two buttons down at the same time for 10 sec, did it and after about 4/5 attempts my screen magically appeared. So, it is like a jam that causes the screen to get stuck in an inbetween spot.

  211. My dearest friend Joseph went on a trip with me in my tent and woke up one beautiful morning due to rain, and his lovely iphone 3g turned white. Unlike hector, a complaintent from above, i love iphone and i have one myself. Now, my iphone. first one made.. first year anyway, has never broke or any has had any isuues, one can only assume that this is a hardware issue and that apple has slowly degrade its product. first with the 3g problems and now the iphone 4 issues. Steve, c’mon give us a better product. Meanwhile tech is killing the youth and damn children and their rap music! i have go to church now. LOVE GOD

  212. Last sunday I woke up to a dead iphone (phone had 3/4 battery when I fell asleep). I tried plugging it into the wall, nothing. Tried an alternate charger, nothing. Plugged my phone into my computer, itunes said my phone was in recovery mode and needed to be restored. Tried to do the restore, downloaded a software update and everytime I try to restore I get error 21, which the only thing I can find on it is a security issue on my computer, but I have disabled my security settings to allow itunes to reach the apple servers, to no avail. Also, the only time I would get any sort of response was when I would plug my phone into itunes, while doing the restore the phone would turn completely white right before I get the error message. I originally thought this was a computer problem but after reading some of these posts I am not so sure. Thoughts?

  213. seems a lot of people are having problems with this.

    Mine might be slightly different i think.

    My battery had died completely so put it into charge and got teh white screen. Then it just switched off. if i unplug it then put it back in it shows the battery is charging pic for about 3 secs then dissapers again. same thing happens if i try the pressing oth buttons for 10 seconds trick-just get the battery pic up for a few secnds then it goes again

    any ideas guys?

  214. Oh even afater i unplug it from charge so it’s not connected to anything when i try the 2 button trick it still displays the charging screen(despite it not being connected) then dissapears again

  215. My phone was also just plugged in for charging when I opened it up to find it WSoD’d. I played around with restarting it before finally hitting the sleep button and finding it booting up fine on its own. It now works fine.

  216. At last someone with the same problem and no not just the white screen of death press two buttons and its fixed. The actual same problem .It goes white when phone goes to sleep mode or when i lift the phone to my ear answering a call . It doesnt matter how many times i re-set the phone it still happens im just under the one year warranty so fingers crossed……..thanks rob for your blog

  217. I got a white screen and black lines not unlike a barcode running down the left hand side of the screen. Called Apple Support line who were fantastic and talked me (patiently) through how to do a restore. It didn’t work. He said that 8 out of 10 times it does work but unfortunately for me it didn’t. So now I have an appointment at my nearest Apple Store, 40 miles round trip and a day off work to meet the Genius who will (I hope and pray) replace my phone. I have been given reassurance of the Support Line Operator that there will be no problem with replacing it. Call me sad, but as I love my iPhone, I will not rest till I get my new one. Will report back if any other problems. Good thread, keep it up folks.
    Caroline, UK.

  218. I dropped my ipod touch and it cracked. It worked fine cracked for like a month. But one day i took it out of my pocket and the screen was like bluish and i couldnt see anything. The functions were fine. I could access all my apps, but i couldnt see them. I got angry and smashed it against my desk… and it worked. That worked fine for like a week. But the same problem occured again. It wont fix this time. I’ve tried everything but a restore. Can some one help?

  219. Same problem. Except my phone kept asking to go into airport mode while I had it next to my radio. I kept on pressing no and then when I charged it, it got stuck ona white screen. I reset it and it worked! Then it went white and then i reset it again and it worked. It went white one more time and for the last 5 months, its been that way! UGH , my pooor iphone 🙁

  220. I have the same problem, I was able to get it to connect to iTunes after a bunch of hard resets and I restored it using iTunes but it seems to function because iTunes detects it but still has a white screen of death so I’m wondering if anyone figured out what the problem was because I dont have warranty and would rather buy the LCD screen? To fix it

  221. My 3G 8GB two year old iPhone started going white about three days ago.

    At first I noticed that the time is wrong, then I tried to reboot it and discovered that the year was 1970.

    A day later the screen wasn’t responding to touch, and later went white.

    Since then it just slips in and out of these little comas, and every time there are time lapses in the iPhone’s clock.

  222. Home + Up Volume + Sleep button combination got me from the WSOD to the black screen w/ Apple logo. Haven’t read this by anyone else so figured I’d post it. Hope it helps.

  223. I have an Iphone 3GS. This happened to me four times throughout the last 8 months since I purchased the phone. My Iphone has always been able to recover.

    The first time, it went white while charging. I had freaked out and phoned my boyfriend, whose lost his Iphone to the same problem, except he wasnt able to fix it. Taking it to a Genius would not help you retrieve your documents. You’ll get a new phone and lose all your data.

    I managed to “fix” my phone by just leaving it connected to the wall socket, and after about 20 minutes it just came back to life.

    The second and third times the WSOD re-appeared, I religiously left the phone alone in the socket, and to my amazement both times it recovered itself after a while. Unfortunately I don’t know how long I waited those times, as I plugged the phone in before I went to sleep on both occasions. In any event, by the time I woke, the phone would be up and working.

    Last night, I plugged in my phone because it was on 2% battery life. This morning to my horror my old friend the WSOD reappeared. Because I needed to use my phone and didnt have time to sit around and wait, I decided to check out the net for some solutions. I’ve checked before but somehow never came across this thread.

    The hard reset seemed to help a lot of people, so I tried that about 7 times. The apple logo did indeed come on, but it stayed there until I got frustrated and tried resetting again. I kept doing this while reading from the latest post back up through the older ones.

    What eventually worked for me was when I came across this:

    ———–POST 180 by WSOD———-

    Out of pure desperation I tried massaging the left and right top corners of my phone, this was while the apple logo was on.

    It vibrated and came back to life!!

    Thank you SO MUCH WSOD for sharing your experience!!!

    My suggestion is, if you’re one of the lucky ones like me, once you revive your phone, take out all the precious info you’ve collected on your iPhone (backing it up on Itunes only backs up the Apps, not the info in the apps), safely store them on your computer.

    GET A NEW PHONE. The Iphone has and WILL time and time again prove to be unreliable. An android will make a great substitute, and the sheer quantity of problems like with the iPhone is virtually unheard of with Android phones.

  224. I’ve had the white screen before as well. Just today actually! I was out at the park with the kids tobogganing and after a wipe out my phone ended up in the snow. After I got all the snow off and dried it off it seemed to be fine but then a little while later I got the white screen. Coincidence? Not sure.

    What was odd is that I could tell the phone was responding to commands and I was even able to get it to power off. However when I turned it back on I still got the white screen. Tried the hard reset as suggested on this page and that seems to have worked.

    One other note is that we’ve had the white screen on my wife’s phone before as well. In her case we just let the battery run out and then once we plugged it in, the screen was fine again and has been ever since.

    So I’d say a hard reset or letting the battery completely drain are the way to go!

  225. I had that problem once with a Jailbroken iPod touch awhile ago,
    the way to fix it is to restore it using an Apple Computer, iMac, Macbook.
    If you try to restore it on a Windows machine you get the white screen problem.

  226. The same thing happened to me today and when I search the internet I came across with this. It worked after five times. Thank you so much guys I was really stared to panic 🙂

  227. i got the iphone 3g 16gb 2 and a half months ago. everything was fine up until a few weeks ago when i experienced the “white screen of death”. just for no reason it went white. i did EVERYTHING these forums said to do and NOTHING worked! it would just decide when it wanted to go back to normal. i then noticed when my screen was cold to the touch it would do it so by using my body heat to warm it up it would work again. but now nothing seems to be working 🙁 i guess im going to have to try to get a new one idk what else to do!

  228. I’v had my iphone 3gs 16gb for a bit over a year now. I was browsing facebook then all of a sudden a white screen came on then immediately went to black, and would not turn on, no apple screen ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED. I tryed plugging it into the wall an my usb port on my computer but nothing is working!! none of anyones suggestions seems to be working with my phone! i am extreamly upset seeing as i cant replace my phone seeing as there is no apple store in ontario. PLEASE ANYONE HELP ME.

  229. I have had my ipod about two years and when it ran out of charge i went straight to my docing station to charge it and about an hour later i took it off and had a white screen. it happened before and it was fixed in a few minutes but i have tried everything reseting it aswell and it still wont work. HELP!!!

  230. I am having the same issue with my phone as everyone on this blog. I am so upset because I have so much saved on my phone and now I have the white screen of death and can’t get in it. I bought mine from AT&T so I need to get to a store this afternoon to see what is going on with it. Since this is a known issue and I’m purely looking at the dates of these complaints going back to 2008, Apple should tell people. At the very least i should get a replacement phone, I’ve only had this one for a year.

  231. Im on my iphone rite now and if i press the sleep buttoni will have to hard restart it because when i press the sleep button all i get is a white screen, i do not know how it happened, i just looked at it around 12 today and it was a blank white screen…ive tried restoring it and upgrading snd everything but its still the same….please help i dont want to have to get a new iphone since this 1 cost me almost 400 euro only a year ago…its a 32gb iphone 3gs (black)

  232. I had the same problem with the screen today. I tried resetting restoring and nothing. At this point I was just happy I was able to retrieve my pictures of my week old baby! So accepting defeat I went to take out my sim card to put back in my old phone and voila it brought a screen up for me to hook my phone up to itunes. It was restored to original settings but my phone is working again. Thought maybe this might help someone too.

  233. Having the same problem but so far nothing I’ve tried will get rid of the WSOD.

    if you are worried about getting your data off your dead iphone get the utility DiskAid.

    I’m double hosed because I’m in Thailand and can’t deal with apple and a new phone (if that’s what I need for a few more weeks).


  234. Im having the same problem now, but my phone works fine when i dont lock it or let it go to sleep…I dont understand, i need to go to the apple store but im afraid they wont replace it and me left with no iphone 3GS.. That would suck. Ive tried the reset button but it doesnt get rid of the white screen when i lock it or it goes to sleep so i have to leave it alone and make sure it stays on and that only waste my batery. What should i do!?!??! What can i do?!??!

  235. Ive had the same issue as most the people on this forum the diffrence is that my Iphone is jailbroke and i bought it from a friend in highschool and sortly after getting the phone i start having this white screen of death issue

    I can hard reset it to get it out but once it goes into standby its done… its shows a white screen and it wont respond the homebutton or anything for that matter.

    So far ive tried resseting it multiple times and it always does the same thing… so i try connecting it to itunes to see if i can reset it and it just completely locks up itunes and i cant do anything only progress ive made is getting to reset and be able to work the phone untill it goes into standby. Im needing help badly if any ideas arrise, if you find this page post some helpful ideas/comments

    Oh i almost forgot the phone has been completely redone screen battery circuitry and still nothing spent close to 632$ trying to fix this thing if i cant then i guess ill have to get a andriod or something but i really dont want to if i dont have to.

  236. I found an iPhone on the side of the road. It had been out in the rain for a little while but looked okay. I followed directions to open up the phone and dried out the small amount of condensation that was inside. I left it for a day and then plugged it in to give it a little bit of power. However, i got a grayish white screen. It was very confusing and I had no clue what to do. Seeing as the phone is not mine i really shouldn’t care…. but I found it next to a bottle of vodka, so the original owner probably wasn’t very responsible.

  237. I have an iphone 3gs. I usually carry it around in my pockets. For the past few days, I’ve experienced the white screen flashing while I’m using the phone and when not. It would just go into the apple logo and reboot on its own. Today, i was working outside in the heat, took out my phone to check for messages and it was on the white screen. This time is stayed on it for a while and then turned blank.(off). So i tried pressing the sleep button and nothing. Tried both the home and sleep, nothing. I thought it wouldn’t work at all. Then, I went home late at night and opened it and checked if there was something wrong, and didn’t notice anything. I put it back and plugged it in the charger. I pressed the sleep button for 10 secs and then the home button, and nothing. I put it down still plugged in and instantly the apple logo comes up. I wait a minute and vibrates. Then the phone boots up. Its working, but with bugs. Scrolling is a bit laggy. Buttons on SBS settings not working fully. NOTE:my iphone is jailbroken.

  238. I’ve had this same problem intermittently for a couple of weeks now. The first time my screen froze with lines and striations across it like photoshop crashing. I’ve done all the restores and it’s still happening. One thing I noticed this last time (a few minutes ago) was that the phone thinks it’s working (as does iTunes).

    When I got the white screen I plugged into the computer. iTunes worked fine. The phone worked for a few seconds then turned white again (this time with blueish bars running top to bottom just off center and to the far right). I took a ‘screen shot’ by clicking home/on-off at the same time, then I plugged it back into the computer.

    The screen shot was of the actual iphone ‘desktop’ image i use – NOT the white screen. So the phone saw the correct desktop – only the screen was white.

    This means, for better or worse, it’s a monitor issue. Bad graphics card or wiring. I’ve had my phone past the warranty so I hope they’ll give me a new one.

  239. my phone’s having the same problem. it started yesterday afternoon and my friend told me that it was normal, if i’d give it some time it’ll return back to normal but last night i tried to reboot it and it came back but whenever i lock it, it shows the stupid white screen. now my phone’s battery is dead and i came upon this post. i’ll try syncing it but if that doesn’t work, i’ll go to a tech.

  240. dear Friends, ( sleep state problem )

    I had the same problem last night.my Iphone4 gone to sleep. no response , blank screen . it did not accept any command. then i plugged on to the charger for almost 2 hours then it came to life.I think i made a mistake to switch from blackburry to I Iphone (igone).

  241. Same problem with my 3g iPhone … Just started yesterday. Phone functions correctly … As I know where all the buttons are, and although I cannot see them, I am able to answer and use my phone. The hard boots only worked the first time. Subsequent attempts have failed. Fortunately, this is my 23rd month with AT&T so I was going to switch to a Verizon 4g later this month anyway.

  242. I have the same problem right now, although when it goes into sleep state, for some reason it uses enormous amounts of battery; i have just woken up, around 10AM and taken my phone off charge, it seemed to come on last night and last through the night, although this morning it turned itself off. Just came on the computer and hooked my phone up, it came back on and i now have 80% battery [lost 20% within space of an hour]

    Hopefully my phone will last me throughout the day as i am going out and wont have any means of contacting people for transport. Will be going to talk to apple soon enough.

    My white screen is not only a white screen but has an embossed gray border a couple of millimetres from the edge of the phone all way around, and sometimes it comes up with white screen but a the screen is covered in vertical coloured lines; don’t know what this is because of though.

  243. I dropped my Iphone 3G and it all went blank white i didn’t know what to do asked my oldest daughters what to do they didn’t know i got worried but then until
    I got the phone repair shop i did i just went and they finally fixed it!YEY!!!

  244. Okay so here’s the deal. I’ve had my iPhone for quite some time now, and I love it. Yesterday I went to the movies and sent my last text to a firend then pressed the lock screen. Upon coming out I tried to use my phone but the screen went white. I did a hard reset and everything was fine,until I put it into sleep mode. When it comes out of sleep mode it’s a white screen. I have a 3GS with 5.0.1 on it. I’ve restored it and everything, but no matter what I do if I lock the screen then click the lock screen again it goes to white screen I’VE TRIED EVERYTHING!!! it’s driving me insane! Someone help!!

  245. Thank u sooooooooo much! I had a heart attack when my iphone went on that damn white screen! i did wat #5 did (hold the sleep/wake and home button together several times until i got the apple logo) then i immediately connected it to itunes and it worked.. =D

  246. i went just to get a new screen becausue the other one had cracked so as they took it out and put the new one in it turned on but all i got was the ‘white screen of death’ i am only 15 years old and wanted an iphone since i was 6 i have had it for about 8 months now and this is how i get paid with dissapointment and there is no way on earth i am getting a BLACKBERRY
    also i got to level 71 on jetpack joyride now i have to do that all over again.
    I depend on my iphone for most thing; browsing for answers, music, games to suit boredom, and impressing my friends with it but now all there is….is the red ring off death with an apple device
    🙁 sad face

  247. i’ve try many things from hard reset, restore and everything else, but still not working well. My iphone screen still white. maybe it’s lcd is broken down…

  248. me and my friend was just walking in the rain.i pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket and my phone had a bright’ish white screen with thin black lines going horizontal and vertical.when i got home my mum and dad checked it out and it ended up pouring with water ‘just from the rain’.however i have recently got it working and it has done it again so i dont know what to do as i got it for my birthday from my mum and i dont know where from . my mum has said she will sort it but i have had to give he £65 🙁 guted ! . just wondering if you know how much it will cost and is it the same problem.
    many thanks
    sophie , aged 15

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