My Remarks at the 2009 Babson Entrepreneurial Energy Expo

Yesterday our graduate student energy club produced its annual energy conference. I have many thoughts and good feelings about how the event went. A summary would be ‘smashing success.’ I could not communicate enough to those I spoke with how proud I was of the team of students involved in creating such a professional experience.… Continue reading My Remarks at the 2009 Babson Entrepreneurial Energy Expo

Doonesbury Comic on In-Class Laptop Use Hits Home

Trudeau really hit home with this comic strip. Every single person in my section at Babson owns a laptop. Nearly everyone brings them to class. Most professors expect a level of multi-tasking, although some only want them open for note-taking. The situation depicted in the comic actually happened to me earlier in module two. I’ve… Continue reading Doonesbury Comic on In-Class Laptop Use Hits Home