Some things change, some stay the very same. Like last year this time, I’m using Twitter more than blogging to share publicly. I’ve done a lot of sharing to my semi-private friends on Facebook. I’m am still pumped about RFID and NFC on the iPhone. I still think about how mobile will change our lives. I still listen to, talk about and share music I like.
I turned 30 and jumped off a tall bridge to celebrate. I moved to Seattle, and continue to work on the most exciting technology ever created for people like me.
I had people enter and exit my life over the year. At times life was dramatic. There were many special days both happy and sad. I’ve never captured or shared more of my existence. More than anything I had some big, quiet supporters this year.
Goodbye 2010, thank you for all of the memories.
You jumped off more than one tall bridge this year … and that is why 2010 will go down as a marker one in the Rob Banagale annals. Keep on rockin’ in 2011, my friend!