Stanford was kind enough to release all of its CS 193P iPhone / iOS Application Development course under Creative Commons. The lecture videos [iTunes link] are available for free download through iTunes U.
When I went in search for the course files, I found them all individually linked on the course downloads page. Since I don’t want to have to return to this page, I used a Firefox plugin to download all of the files and then organized them into folders. The result is one single archive for you to download.
Download – Stanford – 81.3 MB
Most people are going to get an error when building projects from this set: “error: There is no SDK with the name or path…” Gonzalo Gasca posted a four step solution to this:
1. From the Projects menu in XCode, choose “Edit Project Settings”
2. Click on the “General” tab. Near the bottom of the inspector window, you should see the path to the non-existant SDK that’s troubling you.
3. Change the selection for “Cross-Develop Using Target SDK:” to another listed SDK instead of “Other” as it probably currently reads.
4. Click Build, and away you go!
It is nothing short of amazing that this level of educational material is available for free. I came across the Stanford course after Windows Phone 7 evangelist Paul Thurrott pointed out that Microsoft has a lot of catching up to do in the realm of developer documentation and free training products. He’s right.